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Akka Http Performance tuning


I am performing Load testing on Akka-http framework(version: 10.0), I am using wrk tool. wrk command:

wrk -t6 -c10000 -d 60s --timeout 10s --latency http://localhost:8080/hello

first run without any blocking call,

object WebServer {    implicit val system = ActorSystem("my-system")   implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()   implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher   def main(args: Array[String]) {       val bindingFuture = Http().bindAndHandle(router.route, "localhost", 8080)      println(       s"Server online at http://localhost:8080/\nPress RETURN to stop...")     StdIn.readLine() // let it run until user presses return     bindingFuture       .flatMap(_.unbind()) // trigger unbinding from the port       .onComplete(_ => system.terminate()) // and shutdown when done   } }  object router {   implicit val executionContext = WebServer.executionContext     val route =     path("hello") {       get {         complete {         "Ok"         }       }     } } 

output of wrk:

    Running 1m test @ http://localhost:8080/hello   6 threads and 10000 connections   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev     Latency     4.22ms   16.41ms   2.08s    98.30%     Req/Sec     9.86k     6.31k   25.79k    62.56%   Latency Distribution      50%    3.14ms      75%    3.50ms      90%    4.19ms      99%   31.08ms   3477084 requests in 1.00m, 477.50MB read   Socket errors: connect 9751, read 344, write 0, timeout 0 Requests/sec:  57860.04 Transfer/sec:      7.95MB 

Now if i add a future call in the route and run the test again.

val route =     path("hello") {       get {         complete {           Future { // Blocking code             Thread.sleep(100)             "OK"           }         }       }     } 

Output, of wrk:

Running 1m test @ http://localhost:8080/hello   6 threads and 10000 connections   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev     Latency   527.07ms  491.20ms  10.00s    88.19%     Req/Sec    49.75     39.55   257.00     69.77%   Latency Distribution      50%  379.28ms      75%  632.98ms      90%    1.08s       99%    2.07s    13744 requests in 1.00m, 1.89MB read   Socket errors: connect 9751, read 385, write 38, timeout 98 Requests/sec:    228.88 Transfer/sec:     32.19KB 

As you can see with future call only 13744 requests are being served.

After following Akka documentation, I added a separate dispatcher thread pool for the route which creates max, of 200 threads.

implicit val executionContext = WebServer.system.dispatchers.lookup("my-blocking-dispatcher") // config of dispatcher my-blocking-dispatcher {   type = Dispatcher   executor = "thread-pool-executor"   thread-pool-executor {     // or in Akka 2.4.2+     fixed-pool-size = 200   }   throughput = 1 } 

After the above change, the performance improved a bit

Running 1m test @ http://localhost:8080/hello   6 threads and 10000 connections   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev     Latency   127.03ms   21.10ms 504.28ms   84.30%     Req/Sec   320.89    175.58   646.00     60.01%   Latency Distribution      50%  122.85ms      75%  135.16ms      90%  147.21ms      99%  190.03ms   114378 requests in 1.00m, 15.71MB read   Socket errors: connect 9751, read 284, write 0, timeout 0 Requests/sec:   1903.01 Transfer/sec:    267.61KB 

In the my-blocking-dispatcher config if I increase the pool size above 200 the performance is same.

Now, what other parameters or config should I use to increase the performance while using future call.So that app gives the maximum throughput.

like image 476
Vikas Naidu Avatar asked Dec 23 '16 07:12

Vikas Naidu

1 Answers

Some disclaimers first: I haven't worked with wrk tool before, so I might get something wrong. Here are assumptions I've made for this answer:

  1. Connections count is independent from threads count, i.e. if I specify -t4 -c10000 it keeps 10000 connections, not 4 * 10000.
  2. For every connection the behavior is as follows: it sends the request, receives the response completely, and immediately sends the next one, etc., until the time runs out.

Also I've run the server on the same machine as wrk, and my machine seems to be weaker than yours (I have only dual-core CPU), so I've reduced wrk's thread counts to 2, and connection count to 1000, to get decent results.

The Akka Http version I've used is the 10.0.1, and wrk version is 4.0.2.

Now to the answer. Let's look at the blocking code you have:

Future { // Blocking code   Thread.sleep(100)   "OK" } 

This means, every request will take at least 100 milliseconds. If you have 200 threads, and 1000 connections, the timeline will be as follows:

Msg: 0       200      400      600      800     1000     1200      2000      |--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|---..---|---... Ms:  0       100      200      300      400      500      600      1000 

Where Msg is amount of processed messages, Ms is elapsed time in milliseconds.

This gives us 2000 messages processed per second, or ~60000 messages per 30 seconds, which mostly agrees to the test figures:

wrk -t2 -c1000 -d 30s --timeout 10s --latency http://localhost:8080/hello Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080/hello   2 threads and 1000 connections   Thread Stats   Avg     Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev     Latency   412.30ms   126.87ms 631.78ms   82.89%     Req/Sec     0.95k    204.41     1.40k    75.73%   Latency Distribution      50%  455.18ms      75%  512.93ms      90%  517.72ms      99%  528.19ms here: --> 56104 requests in 30.09s <--, 7.70MB read   Socket errors: connect 0, read 1349, write 14, timeout 0 Requests/sec:   1864.76 Transfer/sec:    262.23KB 

It is also obvious that this number (2000 messages per second) is strictly bound by the threads count. E.g. if we would have 300 threads, we'd process 300 messages every 100 ms, so we'd have 3000 messages per second, if our system can handle so many threads. Let's see how we'll fare if we provide 1 thread per connection, i.e. 1000 threads in pool:

wrk -t2 -c1000 -d 30s --timeout 10s --latency http://localhost:8080/hello Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080/hello   2 threads and 1000 connections   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev     Latency   107.08ms   16.86ms 582.44ms   97.24%     Req/Sec     3.80k     1.22k    5.05k    79.28%   Latency Distribution      50%  104.77ms      75%  106.74ms      90%  110.01ms      99%  155.24ms   223751 requests in 30.08s, 30.73MB read   Socket errors: connect 0, read 1149, write 1, timeout 0 Requests/sec:   7439.64 Transfer/sec:      1.02MB 

As you can see, now one request takes almost exactly 100ms on average, i.e. the same amount we put into Thread.sleep. It seems we can't get much faster than this! Now we're pretty much in standard situation of one thread per request, which worked pretty well for many years until the asynchronous IO let servers scale up much higher.

For the sake of comparison, here's the fully non-blocking test results on my machine with default fork-join thread pool:

complete {   Future {     "OK"   } }  ====>  wrk -t2 -c1000 -d 30s --timeout 10s --latency http://localhost:8080/hello Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080/hello   2 threads and 1000 connections   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev     Latency    15.50ms   14.35ms 468.11ms   93.43%     Req/Sec    22.00k     5.99k   34.67k    72.95%   Latency Distribution      50%   13.16ms      75%   18.77ms      90%   25.72ms      99%   66.65ms   1289402 requests in 30.02s, 177.07MB read   Socket errors: connect 0, read 1103, write 42, timeout 0 Requests/sec:  42946.15 Transfer/sec:      5.90MB 

To summarize, if you use blocking operations, you need one thread per request to achieve the best throughput, so configure your thread pool accordingly. There are natural limits for how many threads your system can handle, and you might need to tune your OS for maximum threads count. For best throughput, avoid blocking operations.

Also don't confuse asynchronous operations with non-blocking ones. Your code with Future and Thread.sleep is a perfect example of asynchronous, but blocking operation. Lots of popular software operates in this mode (some legacy HTTP clients, Cassandra drivers, AWS Java SDKs, etc.). To fully reap the benefits of non-blocking HTTP server, you need to be non-blocking all the way down, not just asynchronous. It might not be always possible, but it's something to strive for.

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Haspemulator Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 17:10
