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Akka context watch/unwatch happens-before relationship

I have the following sequential actions on two actors, a parent P and a child C:

  1. P watches C (context watch c)
  2. P unwatches C (context unwatch c)
  3. P stops C gracefully (c ! PoisonPill)

What I want to know is; am I guaranteed that P does not receive a Terminated event for C?

Here's a sample piece of code

class HappensBefore extends App {
  class C extends Actor { def receive = {} } 
  class P extends Actor {
    val c = context actorOf Props[C]
    context watch c
    context unwatch c
    c ! PoisonPill
    def receive = { case Terminated(child) => println("Oh Noes!") }
  ActorSystem("test") actorOf Props[P]
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oxbow_lakes Avatar asked May 14 '12 17:05


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1 Answers

No, there is no such guarantee.

like image 159
Viktor Klang Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Viktor Klang