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Ajax long-polling on IIS [duplicate]





I've been looking at ways to implement gmail-like messaging inside a browser, and arrived at the Comet concept. However, I haven't been able to find a good .NET implementation that allows me to do this within IIS (our application is written in ASP.NET 2.0).

The solutions I found (or could think of, for that matter) require leaving a running thread per user - so that it could return a response to him once he gets a message. This doesn't scale at all, of course.

So my question is - do you know of an ASP.NET implementation for Comet that works in a different way? Is that even possible with IIS?

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Doron Yaacoby Avatar asked Sep 15 '08 18:09

Doron Yaacoby

4 Answers

Comet is challenging to scale with IIS because of comet's persistent connectivity, but there is a team looking at Comet scenarios now. Also look at Aaron Lerch's blog as I believe he's done some early Comet work in ASP.NET.

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Scott Hanselman Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 21:11

Scott Hanselman

WebSync is a standards-compliant scalable Comet server that integrates directly into the IIS/.NET pipeline. It's also available on demand as a hosted service.

It officially supports up to 20,000 concurrent client connections per server node, but individual tests have seen it go as high as 50,000. Message throughput is optimal around the 1,000-5,000 concurrent clients mark, with messages delivered as high as 300,000 per second from a single node.

It includes client-side support for JavaScript, .NET/Mono, iOS, Mac OS X, Java, Silverlight, Windows Phone, Windows Runtime, and .NET Compact, with server-side support for .NET/Mono and PHP.

Clustering is supported using either SQL Server or Azure Caching out of the box, but custom providers can be written for just about anything (Redis, NCache).

Disclaimer: I work for the company that develops this product.

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11 revs Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 21:11

11 revs

I recently wrote a simple example of a Long Polling Chat Server using MVC 3 Async Controllers based on a great article by Clay Lenhart

You can use the example on a AppHarbor deployment I set up based on the source from the BitBucket project.

Also, more information available from my blog post explaining the project.

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Jacob Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 21:11


Actually there are many choices to create ajax supported website with ASP.NET but honestly, PokeIn is the easiest way to create an comet ajax supported web application. It has saved one of the projects of my company.

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BigbangO Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 19:11
