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Airflow : Passing a dynamic value to Sub DAG operator

I am new to Airflow.
I have come across a scenario, where Parent DAG need to pass some dynamic number (let's say n) to Sub DAG.
Where as SubDAG will use this number to dynamically create n parallel tasks.

Airflow documentation doesn't cover a way to achieve this. So I have explore couple of ways :

Option - 1(Using xcom Pull)

I have tried to pass as a xcom value, but for some reason SubDAG is not resolving to the passed value.

Parent Dag File

def load_dag(**kwargs):
    number_of_runs = json.dumps(kwargs['dag_run'].conf['number_of_runs'])
    dag_data = json.dumps({
        "number_of_runs": number_of_runs
    return dag_data

# ------------------ Tasks ------------------------------
load_config = PythonOperator(

t1 = SubDagOperator(
    subdag=sub_dag(PARENT_DAG_NAME, CHILD_DAG_NAME, default_args, "'{{ ti.xcom_pull(task_ids='load_config') }}'" ),

Sub Dag File

def sub_dag(parent_dag_name, child_dag_name, args, num_of_runs):
    dag_subdag = DAG(
        dag_id='%s.%s' % (parent_dag_name, child_dag_name),

    variabe_names = {}

    for i in range(num_of_runs):
        variabe_names['task' + str(i + 1)] =  DummyOperator(

    return dag_subdag

Option - 2

I have also tried to pass number_of_runs as a global variable, which was not working.

Option - 3

Also we tried to write this value to a data file. But sub DAG is throwing File doesn't exist error. This might be because we are dynamically generating this file.

Can some one help me with this.

like image 878
Maneesh Sharma Avatar asked Jun 05 '17 09:06

Maneesh Sharma

People also ask

How do you pass variables to Airflow DAG?

You can pass parameters from the CLI using --conf '{"key":"value"}' and then use it in the DAG file as "{{ dag_run. conf["key"] }}" in templated field.

How do you make an Airflow DAG dynamically?

Dynamic DAGs with globals() You can dynamically generate DAGs by working with globals() . As long as a DAG object in globals() is created, Airflow will load it.

Where does Airflow store DAGs?

DAGs are stored in the DAGs directory in Airflow, from this directory Airflow's Scheduler looks for file names with dag or airflow strings and parses all the DAGs at regular intervals, and keeps updating the metadata database about the changes (if any).

What is an Airflow DAG?

DAGs. In Airflow, a DAG – or a Directed Acyclic Graph – is a collection of all the tasks you want to run, organized in a way that reflects their relationships and dependencies. A DAG is defined in a Python script, which represents the DAGs structure (tasks and their dependencies) as code.

1 Answers

I've done it with Option 3. The key is to return a valid dag with no tasks, if the file does not exist. So load_config will generate a file with your number of tasks or more information if needed. Your subdag factory would look something like:

def subdag(...):
    sdag = DAG('%s.%s' % (parent, child), default_args=args, schedule_interval=timedelta(hours=1))
    file_path = "/path/to/generated/file"
    if os.path.exists(file_path):
        data_file = open(file_path)
        list_tasks = data_file.readlines()
        for task in list_tasks:
    return sdag

At dag generation you will see a subdag with No tasks. At dag execution, after load_config is done, you can see you dynamically generated subdag

like image 192
Jaime Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10
