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Aggregate SQL Function to grab only the first from each group

I have 2 tables - an Account table and a Users table. Each account can have multiple users. I have a scenario where I want to execute a single query/join against these two tables, but I want all the Account data (Account.*) and only the first set of user data (specifically their name).

Instead of doing a "min" or "max" on my aggregated group, I wanted to do a "first". But, apparently, there is no "First" aggregate function in TSQL.

Any suggestions on how to go about getting this query? Obviously, it is easy to get the cartesian product of Account x Users:

 SELECT User.Name, Account.* FROM Account, User  WHERE Account.ID = User.Account_ID 

But how might I got about only getting the first user from the product based on the order of their User.ID ?

like image 839
Matt Avatar asked Apr 21 '09 16:04


People also ask

How do you get the first record of each group in SQL?

First, you need to write a CTE in which you assign a number to each row within each group. To do that, you can use the ROW_NUMBER() function. In OVER() , you specify the groups into which the rows should be divided ( PARTITION BY ) and the order in which the numbers should be assigned to the rows ( ORDER BY ).

How do you SELECT the first row of a group?

The first way to find the first row of each group is by using a correlated subquery. In short, a correlated subquery is a type of subquery that is executed row by row. It uses the values from the outer query, that is, the values from the query it's nested into.

What is first () aggregate function?

The aggregate_function is any one of the MIN , MAX , SUM , AVG , COUNT , VARIANCE , or STDDEV functions. It operates on values from the rows that rank either FIRST or LAST . If only one row ranks as FIRST or LAST , the aggregate operates on a singleton (nonaggregate) set.

How do I SELECT the first record in SQL?

To return only the first row that matches your SELECT query, you need to add the LIMIT clause to your SELECT statement. The LIMIT clause is used to control the number of rows returned by your query.

2 Answers

I know my answer is a bit late, but that might help others. There is a way to achieve a First() and Last() in SQL Server, and here it is :

Stuff(Min(Convert(Varchar, DATE_FIELD, 126) + Convert(Varchar, DESIRED_FIELD)), 1, 23, '') 

Use Min() for First() and Max() for Last(). The DATE_FIELD should be the date that determines if it is the first or last record. The DESIRED_FIELD is the field you want the first or the last value. What it does is :

  1. Add the date in ISO format at the start of the string (23 characters long)
  2. Append the DESIRED_FIELD to that string
  3. Get the MIN/MAX value for that field (since it start with the date, you will get the first or last record)
  4. Stuff that concatened string to remove the first 23 characters (the date part)

Here you go!

EDIT: I got problems with the first formula : when the DATE_FIELD has .000 as milliseconds, SQL Server returns the date as string with NO milliseconds at all, thus removing the first 4 characters from the DESIRED_FIELD. I simply changed the format to "20" (without milliseconds) and it works all great. The only downside is if you have two fields that were created at the same seconds, the sort can possibly be messy... in which cas you can revert to "126" for the format.

Stuff(Max(Convert(Varchar, DATE_FIELD, 20) + Convert(Varchar, DESIRED_FIELD)), 1, 19, '') 

EDIT 2 : My original intent was to return the last (or first) NON NULL row. I got asked how to return the last or first row, wether it be null or not. Simply add a ISNULL to the DESIRED_FIELD. When you concatenate two strings with a + operator, when one of them is NULL, the result is NULL. So use the following :

Stuff(Max(Convert(Varchar, DATE_FIELD, 20) + IsNull(Convert(Varchar, DESIRED_FIELD), '')), 1, 19, '') 
like image 31
Dominic Goulet Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10

Dominic Goulet

Rather than grouping, go about it like this...

select     *  from account a  join (     select          account_id,          row_number() over (order by account_id, id) -              rank() over (order by account_id) as row_num from user      ) first on first.account_id = a.id and first.row_num = 0 
like image 189
Adam Robinson Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10

Adam Robinson