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Aggregate Daily Data to Month/Year intervals




I don't often have to work with dates in R, but I imagine this is fairly easy. I have a column that represents a date in a dataframe. I simply want to create a new dataframe that summarizes a 2nd column by Month/Year using the date. What is the best approach?

I want a second dataframe so I can feed it to a plot.

Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated!

EDIT: For reference:

> str(temp) 'data.frame':   215746 obs. of  2 variables:  $ date  : POSIXct, format: "2011-02-01" "2011-02-01" "2011-02-01" ...  $ amount: num  1.67 83.55 24.4 21.99 98.88 ...  > head(temp)         date amount 1 2011-02-01  1.670 2 2011-02-01 83.550 3 2011-02-01 24.400 4 2011-02-01 21.990 5 2011-02-03 98.882 6 2011-02-03 24.900 
like image 323
Btibert3 Avatar asked May 19 '11 00:05


People also ask

How do I convert monthly data to daily in R?

Basically, the code will define the month and year of each monthly value in separate columns. Then, it will create a vector of daily data using the minimum and maximum dates in your monthly data, and will create two separate columns for year and month for the daily data as well.

2 Answers

I'd do it with lubridate and plyr, rounding dates down to the nearest month to make them easier to plot:

library(lubridate) df <- data.frame(   date = today() + days(1:300),   x = runif(300) ) df$my <- floor_date(df$date, "month")  library(plyr) ddply(df, "my", summarise, x = mean(x)) 
like image 76
hadley Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 16:10


There is probably a more elegant solution, but splitting into months and years with strftime() and then aggregate()ing should do it. Then reassemble the date for plotting.

x <- as.POSIXct(c("2011-02-01", "2011-02-01", "2011-02-01")) mo <- strftime(x, "%m") yr <- strftime(x, "%Y") amt <- runif(3) dd <- data.frame(mo, yr, amt)  dd.agg <- aggregate(amt ~ mo + yr, dd, FUN = sum) dd.agg$date <- as.POSIXct(paste(dd.agg$yr, dd.agg$mo, "01", sep = "-")) 
like image 22
kmm Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 16:10
