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After iOS 8, can I continue to use UIActionSheet and UIAlertView?


I have apps which use UIActionSheet and UIAlertView.
In iOS8, Apple's documentation and some websites say that they are deprecated in iOS8.

UIActionSheet documentation
Important: UIActionSheet is deprecated in iOS 8. (Note that UIActionSheetDelegate is also deprecated.) To create and manage action sheets in iOS 8 and later, instead use UIAlertController with a preferredStyle of UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet.

But in Xcode 6 with deployment target 8.0 does not generate warning for the use of UIActionSheet and UIAlertView.
Normally Xcode generates warning for deprecated API.
Why doesn't Xcode generate warnings for UIActionSheet and UIAlertView?
Does this mean Apple does not actually deprecate those classes?
It is very dangerous if they actually deprecated them and Xcode does not generate warnings.

In another apple's documentation "What's New in iOS 8.0" says:

The new UIAlertController class replaces the UIActionSheet and UIAlertViewclasses as the preferred way to display alerts in your app.


And UIActionSheet and UIAlertView is not listed on Deprecated APIs section of the documentation of the above URL.
So, this documentation means UIAlertController is preferable but UIActionSheet and UIAlertView are also still available in iOS 8.

Should I replace UIActionSheet and UIAlertView in my apps with new UIAlertController class?
Or can I continue to use UIActionSheet and UIAlertView?