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After installing with pip, "jupyter: command not found"

People also ask

How do I run Jupyter notebook after pip install?

But once this is installed, you can launch Jupyter Notebooks by typing jupyter notebook . 01:15 And then it should open up this tab for you inside of your browser. If it doesn't open it up by itself, you can just head to this URL, localhost on port 8888 , and that's going to bring you to this window.

Why is Jupyter command not found?

If you encounter an error like "Command 'jupyter' not found", please make sure PATH environment variable is set correctly. Alternatively, you can start up JupyterLab using ~/. local/bin/jupyter lab without changing the PATH environment variable.

Does pip command work in Jupyter notebook?

So, pip installs the package in the currently-running Jupyter kernel. This is done to overcome the disconnectedness between Jupyter kernels and Jupyter's Shell, i.e., the installer points to a different Python version than the one being used in the notebook.

you did not log out and log in ? It should be on your path to execute. If not, pip installed executables in .local, so in a terminal:


should start notebook

To be able to run jupyter notebook from terminal, you need to make sure that ~/.local/bin is in your path.

Do this by running export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin for your current session, or adding that line to the end of ~/.bashrc to make your changes last for future sessions (e.g. by using nano ~/.bashrc). If you edit ~/.bashrc you will need to log out and log back in to make see your changes take effect.


python -m notebook

Or, if you used pip3 to install the notebook:

python3 -m notebook

On Mac OS Catalina and brewed Python3.7

I tried both,

pip install jupyter


pip3 install jupyter

but finally got it done using

sudo -H pip install jupyter

execute a command as another user -H

The -H (HOME) option requests that the security policy set the HOME environment variable to the home directory of the target user (root by default) as specified by the password database. Depending on the policy, this may be the default behavior.

Execute this in Terminal

export PATH=~/anaconda3/bin:$PATH

Worked for me on Ubuntu 16.10, Python3, Anaconda3


Add path in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc(if you are using zsh bash) file

vi ~/.bashrc

add the below line to the file


Close the file with

esc + : + wq

On Mac OS you need to export ~/.local/bin inside your $PATH variable.

# Edit the bash profile:
$ vim ~/.bash_profile

# Add this line inside ~/.bash_profile:
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin

# Update the source:
$ source ~/.bash_profile

# Open Jupyter:
$ jupyter notebook