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After importing data in PostgreSQL, duplicate key value violates unique constraint

I recently migrated my rails app to PostgreSQL in order to take advantage of fulltext search.

Since the migration coincided with moving to a new webhost, the steps for migration were:

  1. Deploy the application and db:create/db:schema:load on the new server, with appropriate database.yml file
  2. mysqldump data only from existing MySQL production database
  3. import data into PostgreSQL database

The application is running successfully but the issue comes when trying to add new content to the database. For example, when I run the rake task to update my twitter feed:

PG::Error: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "twitter_feeds_pkey" DETAIL:  Key (id)=(3) already exists.

This also happens for all other models, creating new articles, users etc. In development I can see that posting the insert statement n+1 times will successfully save the record without error.

My question is: How do I tell PostgreSQL to start adding indexes sequentially from the existing data?

I've read the REINDEX page but don't think that is really the operation I'm looking for.

like image 876
Peter Mellett Avatar asked Dec 02 '12 14:12

Peter Mellett

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The “duplicate key violates unique constraint” error notifies the caller that a retry is needed. This seems like an intuitive approach, but relying on this optimistic insert can quickly have a negative performance impact on your database.

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The syntax for creating a unique constraint using an ALTER TABLE statement in PostgreSQL is: ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name UNIQUE (column1, column2, ... column_n); table_name.

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The PostgreSQL UNIQUE constraint ensures that the uniqueness of the values entered into a column or a field of a table. The UNIQUE constraint in PostgreSQL can be applied as a column constraint or a group of column constraint or a table constraint.

1 Answers

In Rails you can use the command


to bring the primary key index for the User table in sync again.

like image 68
a learner has no name Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

a learner has no name