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After doing a sparse checkout with the immediate children option, can I retrieve a subfolder's contents in TortoiseSVN?



My repository looks like this:


I want to grab the entire contents of src and get the other directories as needed in the future.

If I do a sparse checkout of trunk with "Just this item", I can get all of src by going into the Repo-Browser per the TortoiseSVN documentation (under the section "Checkout Depth".

Is there a way to get the entire contents of src at a later time if my sparse checkout is "Immediate children, including folders"?

It just seems a little awkward to me that if you use "immediate children" that you can never lazy load the entire contents of a folder, so I figured there was a way to do it.

like image 997
Josh Kodroff Avatar asked Aug 20 '09 15:08

Josh Kodroff

1 Answers

You can change the checkout depth by using the "update to revision" command (usually in the TSVN submenu, not in the top explorer context menu). In that dialog, just select the depth you want, then hit the OK button to run the update.

like image 72
Stefan Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
