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After array_filter(), how can I reset the keys to go in numerical order starting at 0

If you call array_values on your array, it will be reindexed from zero.

If you are using Array filter do it as follows

$NewArray = array_values(array_filter($OldArray));

I worry about how many programmers have innocently copy/pasted the array_values(array_filter()) method into their codes -- I wonder how many programmers unwittingly ran into problems because of array_filter's greed. Or worse, how many people never discovered that the function purges too many values from the array...

I will present a better alternative for the two-part process of stripping NULL elements from an array and re-indexing the keys.

However, first, it is extremely important that I stress the greedy nature of array_filter() and how this can silently monkeywrench your project. Here is an array with mixed values in it that will expose the trouble:


Null values will be removed regardless of uppercase/lowercase.

But look at what remains in the array when we use array_values() & array_filter():


Output array ($array):

array (
  0 => 'foo',
  1 => 'bar'
// All empty, zero-ish, falsey values were removed too!!!

Now look at what you get with my method that uses array_walk() & is_null() to generate a new filtered array:


This can be written over multiple lines for easier reading/explaining:

array_walk(                      // iterate each element of an input array
    $array,                      // this is the input array
    function($v)use(&$filtered){ // $v is each value, $filter (output) is declared/modifiable
        if(!is_null($v)){        // this literally checks for null values
            $filtered[]=$v;      // value is pushed into output with new indexes

Output array ($filter):

array (
  0 => 'foo',
  1 => 'bar',
  2 => 0,
  3 => false,
  4 => '0',
  5 => '',

With my method you get your re-indexed keys, all of the non-null values, and none of the null values. A clean, portable, reliable one-liner for all of your array null-filtering needs. Here is a demonstration.

Similarly, if you want to remove empty, false, and null elements (retaining zeros), these four methods will work:









array (
  0 => 'foo',
  1 => 'bar',
  2 => 0,
  3 => '0',

Finally, for anyone who prefers the syntax of language constructs, you can also just push qualifying values into a new array to issue new indexes.

$array=['foo', NULL, 'bar', 0, false, null, '0', ''];

$result = [];
foreach ($array as $value) {
    if (strlen($value)) {
        $result[] = $value;


Use array_values():


$array = array('foo', 'bar', 'baz');
$array = array_filter($array, function ($var) {
    return $var !== 'bar';

print_r($array); // indexes 0 and 2
print_r(array_values($array)); // indexes 0 and 1