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A.Fake<Stream>().Read(...) throwing InvalidOperationException




Using NUnit 2.6.4 & FakeItEasy 1.25.2 to unit test a C# code in Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition

The following test fragment executes as expected

public void test_whatIsUpWithStreamRead()
    Stream fakeStream = A.Fake<Stream>();

    byte[] buffer = new byte[16];

    int numBytesRead = fakeStream.Read(buffer, 0, 16);

    Assert.AreEqual(0, numBytesRead);


however as soon as I decorate my fake with a CallTo/Returns() or ReturnsLazily() statement...

public void test_whatIsUpWithStreamRead()
    Stream fakeStream = A.Fake<Stream>();

    A.CallTo(() => fakeStream.Read(A<byte[]>.Ignored, A<int>.Ignored, A<int>.Ignored)).Returns(1);

    byte[] buffer = new byte[16];

    int numBytesRead = fakeStream.Read(buffer, 0, 16);

    Assert.AreEqual(1, numBytesRead);


fakeStream.Read() throws a System.InvalidOperationException with the message:

"The number of values for out and ref parameters specified does not match the number of out and ref parameters in the call."

from within FakeItEasy.Configuration.BuildableCallRule.ApplyOutAndRefParametersValueProducer(IInterceptedFakeObjectCall fakeObjectCall), which seems pretty odd to me as Stream.Read() doesn't have any out/ref parameters.

Is this a bug that I should be reporting at https://github.com/FakeItEasy, or am I missing something?


like image 755
Richard Lang Avatar asked Jul 14 '15 23:07

Richard Lang

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1 Answers

Update: the bug has been fixed in FakeItEasy 1.25.3 and FakeItEasy 2.0.0.

Yes, it's a bug, which appears to have been introduced in 1.23.0. I've created issue 508. I'll work on a fix in the near future, and will discuss with the other project owners in what release we want to issue the fix. Head on over if you have an opinion.

In the meantime, one possible workaround is to roll back to FakeItEasy 1.22.0, if you don't require any of the enhancements and bug fixes that have been added in subsequent releases.

If that's not an option, perhaps consider abstracting away Stream.Read and faking the abstraction. Or come back and I'd be happy to discuss other paths.

like image 181
Blair Conrad Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Blair Conrad