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Advantages to Using Private Static Methods




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Why we use private static method in Java?

Yes, we can have private methods or private static methods in an interface in Java 9. We can use these methods to remove the code redundancy. Private methods can be useful or accessible only within that interface only. We can't access or inherit private methods from one interface to another interface or class.

What is the point of private static?

"private" is an access specifier. It tells you that the member is only visible inside the class - other classes can't access the private members of a class. "static" means that the variable is a class-level variable; there's only one variable, which is shared by all instances of the class.

Does it make sense to have private static method?

You make the method private as it is not designed for widespread usage and you don't want unrelated code calling it. (Debate this point in the comments….) As the method does not access any instance fields, it can be make static, by making it static you make it easier to understand and maybe even a little faster.

What is the advantage of using static?

Advantage #1: You can detects bugs and errors early Static type checking allows us to verify that the invariants we specified are true without actually running the program. And if there's any violation of those invariants, they will be discovered before runtime instead of during it.

From the FxCop rule page on this:

After you mark the methods as static, the compiler will emit non-virtual call sites to these members. Emitting non-virtual call sites will prevent a check at runtime for each call that ensures that the current object pointer is non-null. This can result in a measurable performance gain for performance-sensitive code. In some cases, the failure to access the current object instance represents a correctness issue.

When I'm writing a class, most methods fall into two categories:

  • Methods that use/change the current instance's state.
  • Helper methods that don't use/change the current object's state, but help me compute values I need elsewhere.

Static methods are useful, because just by looking at its signature, you know that the calling it doesn't use or modify the current instance's state.

Take this example:

public class Library
    private static Book findBook(List<Book> books, string title)
        // code goes here

If an instance of library's state ever gets screwed up, and I'm trying to figure out why, I can rule out findBook as the culprit, just from its signature.

I try to communicate as much as I can with a method or function's signature, and this is an excellent way to do that.

A call to a static method generates a call instruction in Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL), whereas a call to an instance method generates a callvirt instruction, which also checks for a null object references. However, most of the time the performance difference between the two is not significant.

Source: MSDN - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/visualstudio/visual-studio-2012/79b3xss3(v=vs.110)

Yes, the compiler does not need to pass the implicit this pointer to static methods. Even if you don't use it in your instance method, it is still being passed.

It'll be slightly quicker as there is no this parameter passed (although the performance cost of calling the method is probably considerably more than this saving).

I'd say the best reason I can think of for private static methods is that it means you can't accidentally change the object (as there's no this pointer).

This forces you to remember to also declare any class-scoped members the function uses as static as well, which should save the memory of creating those items for each instance.

I very much prefer all private methods to be static unless they really can't be. I would much prefer the following:

public class MyClass
    private readonly MyDependency _dependency;

    public MyClass(MyDependency dependency)
        _dependency = dependency;

    public int CalculateHardStuff()
        var intermediate = StepOne(_dependency);
        return StepTwo(intermediate);

    private static int StepOne(MyDependency dependency)
        return dependency.GetFirst3Primes().Sum();

    private static int StepTwo(int intermediate)
        return (intermediate + 5)/4;

public class MyDependency
    public IEnumerable<int> GetFirst3Primes()
        yield return 2;
        yield return 3;
        yield return 5;

over every method accessing the instance field. Why is this? Because as this process of calculating becomes more complex and the class ends up with 15 private helper methods, then I REALLY want to be able to pull them out into a new class that encapsulates a subset of the steps in a semantically meaningful way.

When MyClass gets more dependencies because we need logging and also need to notify a web service (please excuse the cliche examples), then it's really helpful to easily see what methods have which dependencies.

Tools like R# lets you extract a class from a set of private static methods in a few keystrokes. Try doing it when all private helper methods are tightly coupled to the instance field and you'll see it can be quite a headache.