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ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin

I found some answers to that issue but none worked for me. When getting the last screen in a new project creation, I'm getting the next message:

Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin

The required version is empty (in some cases appears as 8). The installed version is 18.

I already tried many of the solutions I found here, like:

  • Run the SDK manager as administrator
  • Run Eclipse as administrator
  • Re-install the support components from the SDK extra folder and then restart Eclipse,

None of these didn't work for me.

Is there another solution?

like image 740
user2785689 Avatar asked Sep 17 '13 00:09


1 Answers

Update 2: Now (2013-09-19T17:00:00Z) there's an ADT 22.2.1 and Tools 22.2.1 updates available that fix this issue:

  • Use Eclipse > Help > Check for Updates to get ADT 22.2.1
  • Use SDK Manager to get Tools 22.2.1

You need both parts to fix the issue. The ADT bundle and the installer package on http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html have been updated too.

(From here)

Update: The bug report now has a response with fixed template files attached and the following comments:

This one is my bad. I was in the middle of changing the dependency system used by the templates and a transient state got picked up into this tools build. The templates have settled in the AOSP master branch.

I've attached a snapshot of the current Activities templates. Replacing your sdk/tools/templates/activities folder with the contents of this zip should resolve this issue.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

My older workaround below.

Workaround to the bug:

For Blank Activity:

  1. Edit <sdk>/tools/templates/activities/BlankActivity/template.xml

  2. Comment out the dependency:

    <!--<dependency name="appcompat" version="v7" />--> 

For Master/Detail Flow:

  1. Edit <sdk>/tools/templates/activities/MasterDetailFlow/template.xml

  2. Comment out the dependencies:

    <!--<dependency name="support" version="v4" /> <dependency name="android-support-v4" revision="8" />--> 


  • Restart Eclipse

If needed, copy android-support-v4.jar from <sdk>/extras/support/v4 to your libs.

like image 93
laalto Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10
