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Adonis JS - Hashing Password

I have gone through

  1. http://adonisjs.com/docs/3.1/database-hooks#_hooks_events
  2. http://adonisjs.com/docs/3.1/encryption-and-hashing#_hashing_values
  3. https://adonisjs.svbtle.com/basic-authentication-with-adonisjs#using-hash-provider_3
  4. https://auth0.com/blog/creating-your-first-app-with-adonisj-and-adding-authentication/

and a few more.

This should be fairly simple, but I don't know why I am not being able to figure it out. I want to use the Authentication tool of Adonis while "signing in". For this I need to Hash passwords before saving. I am stuck here.


<h1>Sign up</h1>
{{ form.open({url: '/addNew', action: 'UserController.addNewUser'}) }}

{{ csrfField }}

<div class="field">
{{ form.label('username', 'Choose a username') }}
{{ form.text('username') }}

<div class="field">
{{ form.label('email', 'Enter email address') }}
{{ form.text('email') }}

<div class="field">
{{ form.label('password', 'Choose a strong password') }}
{{ form.password('password') }}

<div class="button">
{{ form.submit('Sign Up') }}

{{ form.close() }}

Controller: UserController

'use strict'

const Database = use('Database')
const User = use('App/Model/User')
const user = new User()

class UserController {

* index (request, response) {
 const users = yield Database.select('*').from('users')

* addNewUser (request, response){

 user.name = request.input('username')
 user.email = request.input('email')
 user.password = request.input('password')
 user.entry = "Lorem Ipsum";

//Insert into database
  const userId = yield Database
 .insert({name: user.name, email: user.email, password: user.password, entry: user.entry})

module.exports = UserController

Model: User

'use strict'

const Lucid = use('Lucid')

class User extends Lucid {

static boot () {
   this.addHook('beforeCreate', 'User.encryptPassword')

module.exports = User

Hook: User

'use strict'

const Hash = use('Hash')
const User = exports = module.exports = {}

User.encryptPassword = function * (next) {
  this.password = yield Hash.make(request.input('password'))
  yield next


like image 478
Roy Avatar asked Oct 17 '22 22:10


1 Answers

You should be using the Model itself to create the record. Why are using the Database provider for that?

No where in the documentation it says to new up a model and then make a call using database provider. So it should be


* addNewUser (request, response) {
  const user = new User()
  user.name = request.input('username')
  user.email = request.input('email')
  user.password = request.input('password')
  user.entry = "Lorem Ipsum";
  yield user.save()

Also inside your hook, you do not have access to the request object. I believe you did not bother reading the docs.


'use strict'

const Hash = use('Hash')
const User = exports = module.exports = {}

User.encryptPassword = function * (next) {
   this.password = yield Hash.make(this.password)
   yield next

Check the docs for hooks here http://adonisjs.com/docs/3.1/database-hooks#_basic_example

Hook for Adonis v4 inside model

class User extends Model {
  static boot () {

    this.addHook('beforeCreate', async (userInstance) => {
      userInstance.password = await Hash.make(userInstance.password)

Check the docs for hooks here https://adonisjs.com/docs/4.1/database-hooks#_defining_hooks

like image 150
Aman Virk Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10

Aman Virk