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Admob works doesn't gives me money





I added admob to my android app, the banners are sometimes shown sometimes are not but that is okey. The thing that is weird for me is that when I logging to admob.com page and I check my account I see that the field for requests is increasing and in the moment is 30, the eCPM is 0$ and the RPM is 0$, also the fill rate field is something like 5%.

Requests       30
eCPM           0$
Fill Rate      5%
RPM            0$

I have many questions, but my main question is why I do not get any money ?

I guess I didn't done something in my code so I do not earn money... I do not know what I am missing. I take the publisher ID from the admob, and I putted in the code to the right place, and obviously it works cause the requests are increasing. But why I do not get any money ? Did I need to do something else ? some other permission or something ?

I really do not have experience with admob, maybe this is not the place to ask questions but still I asked cause I think the problem is in my code , I think that I am missing something.

NOTE: my app is not published in the market, is that the problem ? Is it requirement app to be published to the marked so the admob can works ?

like image 342
Lukap Avatar asked Nov 10 '11 16:11


People also ask

Is Google AdMob still paying?

Costs. Do I have to pay to use AdMob? No, using AdMob is free. Even better, Google and any third-party ad networks you use will pay you for clicks, impressions, and other interactions with the ads you display in your app.

Does AdMob only pay for clicks?

It will only pay you if user clicks on the ad. Lets say your app is being used by 1000 users per day, and every user uses the app for 15 minutes a day, then total visibility time of your app in a day is 15000 minutes. Now if you display 1 ad per minute, there will be 15000 ads a day (admob calls this impressions).

How much does AdMob pay per 1000?

CPM is around $1, or $1 per 1000 Ad impressions. Clicks I have seen as high as $0.25, but its going to vary on the Ad shown obviously. How can I earn $100 daily with AdMob?

2 Answers

You can't expect money at 30 impressions. Self-clicks don't count and if you click more often, you will get banned. Maybe around 500 impressions the first money will come. Check that you enabled google ads for better fill rate-

Just wait and make another app. I hated the time until my apps became popular but I used it to make more apps. Now 2 of my apps are well-known and I can almost live from this money. Be creative.

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user2161301 Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10


Well, simple answer: No one has clicked on the banner. There may be 30 times that a banner has been requested (User opens the activity and admob tries to load a banner) but non of the Users has clicked on it.

like image 35
Thommy Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10
