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Adjusting interface when keyboard appears for UITextField or UITextView



I have a table with each cell containing a label and a text field. Problem is that when i go to edit the last row, keyboard hides the lower portion of the table, and i can't see what is being typed. How can i move my interface above the keyboard so i see what is being typed?

Thanks, Mustafa

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Mustafa Avatar asked Dec 31 '08 10:12


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2 Answers

You'll want to register your viewController for UIKeyboardDidShowNotification and UIKeyboardWillHideNotification events. When you get these, you should adjust the bounds of your table; the keyboard is 170 pixels height, so just shrink or grow your table bounds appropriately, and it should properly adjust to the keyboard.

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Ben Gottlieb Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 04:01

Ben Gottlieb

This problem is complex depending on your UI scenario. Here I will discuss a scenario that where UITextField or UITextview resides in a UITableViewCell.

  1. You need to use NSNotificationCenter to detect UIKeyboardDidShowNotification event. see http://iosdevelopertips.com/user-interface/adjust-textfield-hidden-by-keyboard.html. You need to shrink the UITableView frame size so that it occupies only the screen area that is not covered by the keyboard.

    1. If you tap a UITableViewCell, the OS will automatically position the cell within the viewing area of UITableView. But it does not happen when you tap a UITextView or UITableViewCell even though it resides in a UITableViewCell.

You need to call

[myTableView selectRowAtIndexPath:self.indexPath animated:YES scrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionBottom];` 

to programmatically "tap" the cell.

If you implement both points, you will see the UITextView/Field position right above the keyboard. Bare in mind that the UITableViewCell where the UITableView/Field resides cannot be taller than the "not covered" area. If this is not the case for you, there is a different approach for it but I will not discuss here.

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Wayne Lo Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 03:01

Wayne Lo