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AddTemporarySigningCredential vs AddSigningCredential in IdentityServer4

According to the docs, IdentityServer uses an asymmetric key pair to sign and validate JWTs. One could either use AddTemporarySigningCredential() in the configuration which creates a fresh RSA every startup or use AddSigningCredential(..) with an RSA key or a certificate.

The document mentions the Temporary version is useful for Development situations but it does not tell what is the disadvantage of this when used in a production environment.

I have a aspnetcore web api in which the clients are authenticated using the IdentityServer4. The system works fine at the moment with the temporarysigningcredential but I wonder whether there is any benefit in using the other variant.


like image 823
cellik Avatar asked Jan 10 '17 15:01


1 Answers

Instead of AddTemporarySigningCredential consider to use AddDeveloperSigningCredential

From http://docs.identityserver.io/en/release/topics/startup.html#refstartupkeymaterial:


Same purpose as the temporary signing credential. But this version persists the key to the file system so it stays stable between server restarts. This addresses issues when the client/api metadata caches get out of sync during development.

WARNING: AddDeveloperSigningCredential can be used only when IdentityServer host is running on a SINGLE machine, for production farm you need to use AddSigningCredential.

like image 57
Michael Freidgeim Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

Michael Freidgeim