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Address in mailbox given [] does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2. when email is in a variable

Your email variable is empty because of the scope, you should set a use clause such as:

Mail::send('emails.activation', $data, function($message) use ($email, $subject) {

(I'm using SwiftMailer in PHP)

I was getting an error like that when I was accidentally sending a string for $email

$email = "[email protected] <Some One>";

When what I meant to be sending was

$email = Array("[email protected]"=>"Some One");

I was accidentally running it through a stringify function that I was using for logging, so once I started sending the array again, the error went away.

Make sure your email address variable is not blank. Check using


 Mail::send('emails.activation', $data, function($message){
        $message->from('email@from', 'name');

I dont know why, but in my case I put the from's information in the function and it's work fine.

The only solution worked for me is changing the following code

 Mail::send('emails.activation', $data, function($message){