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Adding/push() Values to Ajax POST in jQuery serialize() or serializeArray()


$('#speichern').live('click' , function () {
 //  [a]  var data_save = $('#form_rechn').serializeArray();
    var data_save_ser = $('#form_rechn').serialize(); //[b]
//  [a]  data_save[data_save.length] = {"name":"action","value":"save" },{"name":"total","value": Number($('#grandTotal').text().replace(/EUR/g, ""))};
    var addintional = 'action=save&mysql=update' + '&' + 'total=' + Number($('#grandTotal').text().replace(/EUR/g, ""));//[b]
    var data_save = data_save_ser + '&' + addintional;//[b]
    type    : "POST",
    cache   : false,
    url     : 'invoice_new_action.php',
    data    : data_save,
     error:function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
    success : function(data) { 

The [b]-part works very well; however, why does not work the [a]-part? This is not pushed: ,{"name":"total","value": [..]

php Ouput via print_r ($_POST)


Array ( [pnr_item_1] => 1 [pkt_item_1] => HostingXXL [desc_item_1] => 20GB, 1x.de [qty_item_1] => 4 [price_item_1] => 15.5 .... [action] => save [mysql] => update [total] => 62 )


Array ( [pnr_item_1] => 1 [pkt_item_1] => HostingXXL [desc_item_1] => 20GB, 1x.de [qty_item_1] => 4 [price_item_1] => 15.5 .... [action] => save )

Hopefully my problem/question is clear. What is the best method? There are better methods to so id?

like image 389
hoerf Avatar asked Dec 15 '10 12:12


2 Answers

It should look like this:

$('#speichern').live('click' , function () {
    var data_save = $('#form_rechn').serializeArray();
    data_save.push({ name: "action", value: "save" });
    data_save.push({ name: "mysql", value: "update" });
    data_save.push({ name: "total", value: Number($('#grandTotal').text().replace(/EUR/g, "")) });
      type    : "POST",
      cache   : false,
      url     : 'invoice_new_action.php',
      data    : data_save,
      error   : function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
      success : function(data) { 

What you want to push onto the array are objects in the form of {name: "name", value: "value"}, then they'll be serialized/encoded correctly. Option [a] (the corrected form of it) is generally much better than option [b], since [b] isn't property encoded, and will fail the moment any invalid character slips in there to mess up your variables. In this case, because you're in control of the appended content, you're safe...but it's best to go the route that always works: never creating your data argument as a string directly.

As for the why [a] doesn't work:

data_save[data_save.length] = {"name":"action","value":"save" },{"name":"total","value": Number($('#grandTotal').text().replace(/EUR/g, ""))};

This isn't valid, you can't assign 2 things at once, you either need to do it like this:

data_save[data_save.length] = {"name":"action","value":"save" };
data_save[data_save.length] = {"name":"total","value": Number($('#grandTotal').text().replace(/EUR/g, ""))};

or this (my preferred method, as used above):

data_save.push({"name":"action","value":"save" });
data_save.push({"name":"total","value": Number($('#grandTotal').text().replace(/EUR/g, ""))});

....or, use $.merge() (a bit more wasteful, but cleaner looking), like this:

$.merge(data_save, [{"name":"action","value":"save" }, {"name":"total","value": Number($('#grandTotal').text().replace(/EUR/g, ""))}]);
like image 196
Nick Craver Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 21:11

Nick Craver

You can combine both the forms and serializeArray

$('#frm1, #frm2').serializeArray()
like image 39
Shaishav Shah Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 21:11

Shaishav Shah