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Adding video codec to Android

Can someone please explain the steps I need to take in order to add a new codec to Android?

Also, I would like the codec to be installed as part of an application installation (or first launch) and NOT as part of a full Android OS build.

The reason I want to do this is that I have an application that needs to show a video of a non supported codec (HLS or TS), but I wouldn't want to build a full blown video player - just integrate with the existing, built-in, player.

Thanks, Alik.

like image 899
AlikElzin-kilaka Avatar asked Jan 13 '11 10:01


People also ask

How do I fix codec not supported on Android?

Quick solution. The easiest way to fix not supported audio or video codec error on Android is using the VLC Media Player app. VLC comes with extended codecs to play files such as MKV, MOV, WMV, etc. However, other ways exist to play the video in the native Android player.

Why does my phone say video codec not supported?

The most likely reason you see a “can't open file,” “unsupported audio codec,” or “unsupported video format" error is because your current media player doesn't support the codec of your video file. Another possible reason is that the audio codec is unsupported.

1 Answers

Can someone please explain the steps I need to take in order to add a new codec to Android?

Build your own firmware, or build your own media player (like VLC for Android).

Also, I would like the codec to be installed as part of an application installation (or first launch) and NOT as part of a full Android OS build.

That is not possible, unless you build your own media player.

The reason I want to do this is that I have an application that needs to show a video of a non supported codec (HLS or TS), but I wouldn't want to build a full blown video player - just integrate with the existing, built-in, player.

VLC for Android is due out (at least for some phones) shortly, so it may be able to play your format.

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CommonsWare Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 04:10
