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Adding type definitions to an HOC which injects props into a component

I have a "higher order component" that is implemented in the following way (without types).

const Themeable = (mapThemeToProps) => {
  return (WrappedComponent) => {
    const themedComponent = (props, { theme: appTheme }) => {
      return <WrappedComponent
          mapThemeToProps(merge(defaultTheme, appTheme))
    themedComponent.contextTypes = { theme: PropTypes.object };
    return themedComponent;

To summarize what it does, it takes a mapThemeToProps function. This will receive a theme parameter created by merging defaultTheme (provided by my library) and appTheme (provided by a ThemeProvider component via context). It will then create an extended Theme and pass it to the component as a prop called theme. In practice, it would be used as follows (being called Themeable in this scope):

const mapThemeToProps = (theme) => ({
  background: theme.palette.dark,
  color: theme.text.light,

function Greeting({ theme: { background, color } }) {
  return (
    <div style={{ background, color }}>
      Hello World!

export default Themeable(mapThemeToProps)(Greeting);

I am having a very hard time developing a proper typing for this function. I found this pattern is very similar to something along the lines of connect from react-redux so have been working from their typings as my starting point. Anyway, I am a bit lost, this is basically where I am at:

import { Theme } from 'types/Theme';

interface ThemeableComponentEnhancer {
  <P>(component: React.ComponentType<P>): React.ComponentClass<Pick<P, "theme"> & { theme: Theme }> & { WrappedComponent: React.Component<P>}

export interface Themeable {
  // calling it with no parameters returns a basic theme.
  (): Theme;
  // calling it with a function
  <TTheme = {}>(mapThemeToProps: MapThemeToPropsParam<TTheme>): ComponentEnhancer<{ theme: TTheme }>;

interface MapThemeToProps<TTheme> {
    (theme: TTheme): TTheme;

interface MapThemeToPropsFactory<TTheme> {
    (theme: Theme): MapThemeToProps<TTheme>;

type MapThemeToPropsParam<TTheme> = MapStateToPropsFactory<TTheme>

I'm having trouble getting my head around this. How would this be done in TypeScript?

like image 448
corvid Avatar asked Dec 07 '17 18:12


People also ask

Which methods are called when the state or props of a component is changed?

An update can be caused by changes to props or state. These methods are called in the following order when a component is being re-rendered: static getDerivedStateFromProps() shouldComponentUpdate() render()

How is a prop defined inside a function component?

The simplest way to define a component is to write a JavaScript function: function Welcome(props) { return <h1>Hello, {props. name}</h1>; } This function is a valid React component because it accepts a single “props” (which stands for properties) object argument with data and returns a React element.

1 Answers


export interface Theme {
  palette: {
    primary: string;
    secondary: string;

export const theme: Theme = {
  palette: {
    primary: 'red',
    secondary: 'yellow'

Example Rect component with Theme

import * as React from 'react';
import { Theme } from '../theme/Theme';
import withTheme, { MapThemeToProps } from '../theme/withTheme';

export interface RectThemeProps {
  titleColor?: string;
  bodyColor?: string;

export interface RectProps extends RectThemeProps {
  content?: string;

export class Rect extends React.Component<RectProps> {
  render() {
    const {titleColor, bodyColor, content} = this.props;
    return <div>{content && content}</div>;

const mapThemeToProps: MapThemeToProps<
  > = (theme) => {
  return {
    titleColor: theme.palette.primary,
    bodyColor: theme.palette.secondary

export default withTheme(mapThemeToProps)(Rect);


import * as React from 'react';

const ID = '__context_id__';

export interface MapThemeToProps<M, T> {
  (theme: T): M;

export interface withTheme {
  <M, T>(mapThemeToProps: MapThemeToProps<M, T>):
    (c: React.ComponentType<M>) => React.ComponentType<M>;

export default <M, T>(
  mapThemeToProps: MapThemeToProps<M, T>
) => (Component: React.ComponentType<M>) => {
  return class extends React.Component<M> {
    render() {
      const theme = this.context[ID];
      return (
like image 137
arpl Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 19:10
