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Adding to a Generic Set passed into a method

Let us say I have the following classes:

  • Animal
  • Cat
  • Dog
  • Cow

Animal is the base class, cat, dog, and cow each subclass it.

I now have a Set<Cat>, Set<Dog> and Set<Cow> each of these are used in the same way, so it makes sense to make a generic function to operate on them:

private boolean addObject(Animal toAdd, Animal defVal, Set<? extends Animal> vals)

This works great, I can freely pass in my Sets with no problem.

The problem appears: I can't attempt to add the Animal toAdd to parameter vals. Googling reveals that if I change the method to read:

private boolean addObject(Animal toAdd, Animal defVal, Set<? super Animal> vals)

I will be able to add the Animal to parameter vals. This works, except now, I can't pass in my subclassed my Sets of Cats, Dogs, and Cows. Further research tells me that the following works, with no warnings to boot:

private <T> boolean addObject(T toAdd, T defVal, Set<? super T> vals)

The problem being, I need to be able to perform method calls that Animal's all have. This is easily gotten around using a simple cast:


Is there any way around this problem so I can keep the generic functionality, and not require casting? Aside from making my Sets all Sets of the Base Type, Animal in the case of this example?

like image 659
Legowaffles Avatar asked Mar 08 '13 11:03


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(Yes, this is legal code; see Java Generics: Generic type defined as return type only.) The return type will be inferred from the caller. However, note the @SuppressWarnings annotation: that tells you that this code isn't typesafe. You have to verify it yourself, or you could get ClassCastExceptions at runtime.

1 Answers

Good research, you were almost there. You just need to add an upper bound to T.

private <T extends Animal> boolean addObject(T toAdd, T defVal, Set<? super T> vals)
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Ben Schulz Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 03:10

Ben Schulz