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Adding offset to {{@index}} when looping through items in Handlebars

I'm iterating over a list in Handlebars using the built-in each helper. Within the each block, I'm referencing the current loop index {{@index}} to print the consecutive number of an item:

<script id="list-item-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
    {{#each items}}
    <li class="topcoat-list__item">
        <a href="#{{@index}}">Item number {{@index}}</a>

This gives the following output:

  • Item number 0
  • Item number 1
  • Item number 2
  • ....

The problem is that I want to display an offsetted index which starts with 1 instead of 0.

I tried to perform calculations on the index like {{@index+1}}, but this just leads to an

Uncaught Error: Parse error

like image 246
Mobiletainment Avatar asked Feb 28 '14 19:02


People also ask

What does {{{ body }}} mean in handlebars?

The main layout is the HTML page wrapper which can be reused for the different views of the app. {{{body}}} is used as a placeholder for where the main content should be rendered.

What is helpers in Handlebars?

Helpers are the proposed way to add custom logic to templates. You can write any helper and use it in a sub-expression. For example, in checking for initialization of a variable the built-in #if check might not be appropriate as it returns false for empty collections (see Utils.isEmpty).

How do you display data on handlebars?

Handlebars HTML-escapes values returned by a {{expression}}. If you don't want Handlebars to escape a value, use the "triple-stash", {{{. You have to use a triple-stash {{{}}} around your data in order to display what you want.

Can you use JavaScript in handlebars?

Handlebars doesn't allow you to write JavaScript directly within templates. Instead, it gives you helpers. These are JavaScript functions that you can call from your templates, and help you reuse code and create complex templates. To call a helper, just use it as an expression - {{helpername}} .

3 Answers

Handlebars gives you the possibility to write a custom helper that handles this situation, e.g. a helper function that lets you perform calculations on expressions like addition and subtraction etc.

Below function registers a new helper, which simply increments a value by 1:

var Handlebars = require('handlebars');

Handlebars.registerHelper("inc", function(value, options)
    return parseInt(value) + 1;

You can then use it within the handlebar expression using the inc keyword, like:

{{inc @index}}
like image 120
Mobiletainment Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 00:10


Actual answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/46317662/1549191

Register a math handlebar and perform all mathematical operations.

app.engine('handlebars', exphbs({
    // Function to do basic mathematical operation in handlebar
    math: function(lvalue, operator, rvalue) {lvalue = parseFloat(lvalue);
        rvalue = parseFloat(rvalue);
        return {
            "+": lvalue + rvalue,
            "-": lvalue - rvalue,
            "*": lvalue * rvalue,
            "/": lvalue / rvalue,
            "%": lvalue % rvalue
app.set('view engine', 'handlebars');

Then you can directly perform operation in your view.

    {{#each myArray}}
        <span>{{math @index "+" 1}}</span>
like image 10
Priyanshu Chauhan Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 01:10

Priyanshu Chauhan

I believe you can use...

{{math @index "+" 1}}
like image 7
Adam Youngers Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 00:10

Adam Youngers