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Adding Non Activity Classes to Dagger 2 Graph Android

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how to use Dagger 2.0 outside of the limited examples I've seen. Let's take an example reading application. In this reading app, there is a library of a user's stories and the ability to Log in. The classes of interest for the purpose of this example are:

MainApplication.java - extends Application

LibraryManager.java - Manager which is responsible for adding/removing stories in the user's library. This is called from the MainApplication

AccountManager.java - Manager which is responsible for saving all a user's login information. It can be called from the LibraryManager

I'm still trying to wrap my head around what Components and Modules I should be creating. Here's what I can gather so far:

Create a HelperModule that provides an AccountManager and LibraryManager instance:

public class HelperModule {

    AccountManager provideAccountManager() {
        return new AccountManager();

    LibraryManager provideLibraryManager() {
        return new LibraryManager();


Create a MainApplicationComponent that lists the HelperModule in its list of modules:

@Component(modules = {AppModule.class, HelperModule.class})
public interface MainApplicationComponent {
    MainApplication injectApplication(MainApplication application);

Include @Injects LibraryManager libraryManager in the MainApplication and inject the application into the graph. Finally it queries the injected LibraryManager for the number of stories in the library:

public class MainApplication extends Application {

    @Inject LibraryManager libraryManager;

    public void onCreate() {

        component = DaggerMainApplicationComponent.builder()
                .appModule(new AppModule(this))
                .helperModule(new HelperModule())

        // Now that we have an injected LibraryManager instance, use it

Inject the AccountManager into the LibraryManager

public class LibraryManager {
    @Inject AccountManager accountManager;

    public int getNumStoriesInLibrary() {
        String username = accountManager.getLoggedInUserName();

However the problem is that the AccountManager is null when I try to use it in the LibraryManager and I don't understand why or how to solve the problem. I'm thinking that it's because the MainApplication that was injected into the graph doesn't use the AccountManager directly, but then do I need to inject the LibraryManager into the graph some how?

like image 832
odiggity Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 20:12


1 Answers

modify your classes as follow and it would work:

your POJO:

public class LibraryManager {
    @Inject AccountManager accountManager;

    public LibraryManager(){

    public int getNumStoriesInLibrary() {
        String username = accountManager.getLoggedInUserName();


your component Interface:

 @Component(modules = {AppModule.class, HelperModule.class})
    public interface MainApplicationComponent {
        void inject(MainApplication application);
        void inject(LibraryManager lm);

your application Class :

public class MainApplication extends Application {
    private static MainApplicationComponent component;

    @Inject LibraryManager libraryManager;

    public void onCreate() {

        component = DaggerMainApplicationComponent.builder()
                .appModule(new AppModule(this))
                .helperModule(new HelperModule())

        // Now that we have an injected LibraryManager instance, use it

    public static MainApplicationComponent getComponent(){return component;}


In fact, you need to do the same for all of your dependent classes, basically you have access to the application class in all Activity sub-classes so making get component as an static method is none-less. but for POJO u need to catch the component somehow. there are a lot of way to implement. this is just an illustration to give u the idea how it works. now you can destroy the mars :)

like image 186
Javad Jafari Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 19:01

Javad Jafari