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adding new objects to localstorage


I'm trying to make shopping cart front end with localstorage, as there are some modal windows and I need to pass cart items info there. Every time you click add to cart it should create object and it to localstorage. I know I need to put everything in array and push new object to array, after trying multiple solutions - can't get it to work

That's what I have (saves only last object):

var itemContainer = $(el).parents('div.item-container'); var itemObject = {     'product-name': itemContainer.find('h2.product-name a').text(),     'product-image': itemContainer.find('div.product-image img').attr('src'),     'product-price': itemContainer.find('span.product-price').text() };  localStorage.setItem('itemStored', JSON.stringify(itemObject)); 
like image 825
alexndm Avatar asked Aug 28 '12 15:08


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1 Answers

You're overwriting the other objects every time, you need to use an array to hold them all:

var oldItems = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('itemsArray')) || [];  var newItem = {     'product-name': itemContainer.find('h2.product-name a').text(),     'product-image': itemContainer.find('div.product-image img').attr('src'),     'product-price': itemContainer.find('span.product-price').text() };  oldItems.push(newItem);  localStorage.setItem('itemsArray', JSON.stringify(oldItems)); 


You may also want to consider using an object instead of an array and use the product name as the key. This will prevent duplicate entries showing up in localStorage.

like image 82
jbabey Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 15:10
