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Adding multiple constraints at once in Xcode 7

In previous versions of Xcode you could drag from one UI element in your storyboard to another and by holding the Shift button pressed, you could add more constraints between those two components - all at once. In Xcode 7 this doesn't seem to work.

Any ideas how to add multiple constraints at once in Xcode 7?

like image 902
kanstraktar Avatar asked Feb 08 '23 22:02


1 Answers

I believe it's the same, but now you must press "Add Constraints" in the same menu.

enter image description here enter image description here

When adding constraints, first thing you see at the bottom is "Hold Shift to select multiple". If you hold Shift and select your first constraint, this line changes into a button that says "Add Constraints". Until Xcode 6 you didn't need to press the "Add Constraints" button, as they were added automatically once you would release the Shift button. In Xcode 7 you need to press "Add Constraints" before you leave this dialogue window.

like image 134
Beto Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 02:03
