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Adding more data to Dropzone.js post

So I have my implementation of this tutorial here: http://www.dropzonejs.com/bootstrap.html

It is working great, and I'm uploading files just fine. What I want to do now is be able to send a user id along with the image in the POST data when Dropzone uploads the image. I did find enyo's tutorial here which explains how to add hidden form data to the dropzone, but using the bootstrap tutorial dropzone provides, there is no form and therefore no hidden post data can be sent.

How can I use the code from the bootstrap tutorial linked to above, and yet still send hidden input data to the upload script? Do I have to somehow convert the code provided into a form, and if so, how would I do that?

like image 491
dmarzio Avatar asked Oct 20 '14 18:10


1 Answers

It's been a while since you asked this question but based on the dropzone website tips


you should be able to do one of 3 things -

1. if there is a form add hidden params.

2. you can use params like so -

new Dropzone({
    url: "/",
    params: {
         foo: "bar"

3. handle the on sending event like so -

myDropzone.on("sending", function(file, xhr, formData) { 

// Will sendthe filesize along with the file as POST data.

 formData.append("filesize", file.size);  

like image 166
Egon Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09
