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Adding items to List<T> using reflection




I was trying to add items to IList through reflection, but while calling the "Add" method an error was thrown "object ref. not set". While debugging I came to know that the GetMethod("Add") was returning a NULL reference.

Type objTyp = typeof(MyObject); //HardCoded TypeName for demo purpose
var IListRef = typeof (List<>);
Type[] IListParam = {objTyp};          
object Result = IListRef.MakeGenericType(IListParam);

MyObject objTemp = new MyObject(); 
Result.GetType().GetMethod("Add").Invoke(Result, new[] {objTemp });

Please help.

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AbrahamJP Avatar asked Nov 16 '10 12:11


2 Answers

You're trying to find an Add method in Type, not in List<MyObject> - and then you're trying to invoke it on a Type.

MakeGenericType returns a type, not an instance of that type. If you want to create an instance, Activator.CreateInstance is usually the way to go. Try this:

Type objTyp = typeof(MyObject); //HardCoded TypeName for demo purpose
var IListRef = typeof (List<>);
Type[] IListParam = {objTyp};          
object Result = Activator.CreateInstance(IListRef.MakeGenericType(IListParam));

MyObject objTemp = new MyObject(); 
Result.GetType().GetMethod("Add").Invoke(Result, new[] {objTemp });

(I would also suggest that you start following conventions for variable names, but that's a separate matter.)

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Jon Skeet

    private static void Test()
        IList<Guid> list = CreateList<Guid>();
        Guid objTemp = Guid.NewGuid();

    private static List<TItem> CreateList<TItem>()
        Type listType = GetGenericListType<TItem>();
        List<TItem> list = (List<TItem>)Activator.CreateInstance(listType);
        return list;

    private static Type GetGenericListType<TItem>()
        Type objTyp = typeof(TItem);
        var defaultListType = typeof(List<>);
        Type[] itemTypes = { objTyp };
        Type listType = defaultListType.MakeGenericType(itemTypes);
        return listType;

IList.Add(object item); => you can use Add method in IList interface instead of Reflection.

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Doctor Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
