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adding file exists conditions to maven-antrun plugin




I want to do a "javac" inside an antrun plugin based on the availability of a file. How do we add conditions inside the maven-antrun plugin.

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Kasun Indrasiri Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 17:02

Kasun Indrasiri

2 Answers

You can do this with help of Maven AntRun Plugin.

In the sample ant script executes on clean phase and Ant-Contrib library was used:

                            <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties" />

                                <available file="d:\file_to_check.txt"/>
                                    <echo>The file exists</echo>

                                    <echo>The file does not exist</echo>

You can also view this link: How to execute tasks conditionally using the maven-antrun-plugin?

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Alex K Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 12:03

Alex K

Here is an other approach without Ant contrib.

The trick is to first run a target checking for file existence. This target will store its checking result in a property. This property is then exported among Maven properties thanks to maven-antrun-plugin option exportAntProperties.

A second target can then run based on the exported property value.


                        <target if="${fileExists}">
                            <echo message="File exists... let's go !" />
                            <!-- Your tasks here ... -->
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Stephan Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 11:03
