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Adding Endless parallax background in cocos2d android

I am working on CoCos2d with android.I want to add an endless scrolling background to my Screen by using CCParallaxNode. I am able to add background and move it but after the completion of that move action the screen goes black. Can someone help me out?

My code is

CCParallaxNode parallaxNode;
CCSprite spacedust1;
CCSprite spacedust2;
CCSprite planetsunrise;
CCSprite galaxy;
CCSprite spacialanomaly;
CCSprite spacialanomaly2;

parallaxNode = CCParallaxNode.node();

    spacedust1 = CCSprite.sprite("bg_front_spacedust.png");
    spacedust2 = CCSprite.sprite("bg_front_spacedust.png");
    planetsunrise = CCSprite.sprite("bg_planetsunrise.png");
    galaxy = CCSprite.sprite("bg_galaxy.png");
    spacialanomaly = CCSprite.sprite("bg_spacialanomaly.png");
    spacialanomaly2 = CCSprite.sprite("bg_spacialanomaly2.png");
    // 3) Determine relative movement speeds for space dust and background
    // CGPoint cgPoint = CGPoint.ccp(0.1, 0.1);

    CGPoint dustSpeed = CGPoint.ccp(10, 10);
    CGPoint bgSpeed = CGPoint.ccp(5, 5);
    // CGPoint bgSpeed = ccp(0.05, 0.05);

    parallaxNode.addChild(spacedust1, 0, dustSpeed.x, dustSpeed.y, 0,
            winSize.height / 2);
    parallaxNode.addChild(spacedust2, 0, dustSpeed.x, dustSpeed.y,
            spacedust1.getContentSize().width, winSize.height / 2);
    parallaxNode.addChild(galaxy, -1, bgSpeed.x, bgSpeed.y, 0, 10);
    parallaxNode.addChild(planetsunrise, -1, bgSpeed.x, bgSpeed.y, 600, 5);
            .addChild(spacialanomaly, -1, bgSpeed.x, bgSpeed.y, 900, 20);
    parallaxNode.addChild(spacialanomaly2, -1, bgSpeed.x, bgSpeed.y, 1500,
    CCIntervalAction go = CCMoveBy.action(4, CGPoint.ccp(winSize.width, 0));
    CCIntervalAction goBack = go.reverse();
    CCIntervalAction seq = CCSequence.actions(go, goBack);
    CCRepeatForever action = CCRepeatForever.action(goBack);
like image 471
Rishabh Bhardwaj Avatar asked Mar 13 '13 12:03

Rishabh Bhardwaj

2 Answers

I see that since not a single answer worked for you. I will provide a simple code which will help you for your parralax scrolling background.

Add this code in your game layers constructor

background1 = CCSprite.sprite("bg2.png");
background2 = CCSprite.sprite("bg2.png");



and a scroll method which is scheduled every millisecond. add this in constructor


and now the scroll method.

public void scroll(float dt) {

    CGPoint pos1 = background1.getPosition();
    CGPoint pos2 = background2.getPosition();

    pos1.x -= 5.0f;
    pos2.x -= 5.0f;

    if(pos1.x <=-(winSize.width*0.5f) )
        pos1.x = pos2.x + winSize.width;

    if(pos2.x <=-(winSize.width*0.5f) )
        pos2.x = pos1.x + winSize.width;



mark my answer if it worked.

like image 61
Sandeep R Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11

Sandeep R

Call this method from the class Constructor. I found this trick from Example : "shotingblock-master" available on github...

private void endlessBackground() {
    // Create the two background sprites which will alternate
    _oddBackground = CCSprite.sprite("blue_background.png");
    _evenBackground = CCSprite.sprite("blue_background.png");
    // One starts dead centre and one starts exactly one screen height above
    oddBackground.setPosition(_winSize.width / 2, _winSize.height / 2);
    evenBackground.setPosition(_winSize.width / 2, _winSize.height
            + (_winSize.height / 2));
    // Schedule the scrolling action
    // Add sprites to the layer

public void scroll(float dt) {
    // move them 100*dt pixels down
            _oddBackground.getPosition().y - 150 * dt);
            _evenBackground.getPosition().y - 150 * dt);
    // reset position when they are off from view.
    if (_oddBackground.getPosition().y < -_winSize.height / 2) {
        _oddBackground.setPosition(_winSize.width / 2, _winSize.height / 2);
        _evenBackground.setPosition(_winSize.width / 2, _winSize.height
                + (_winSize.height / 2));


IT works excellent in my case. May be it'll help full for you.

like image 43
Akarsh M Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Akarsh M