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Adding Directory Structure To SVN Repo



I've never administered an svn repository before, although I have used svn for version control. I set up an svn repository on a RHEL 5 server using the following tutorial: http://mark.koli.ch/2010/03/howto-setting-up-your-own-svn-server-using-apache-and-mod-dav-svn.html

Everything is working smoothly as it, but my repository doesn't have the tradition trunk/branch/tags structure. I set up a new repository, and used mkdir to add "tags", "trunk", and "branches" folders, and then tried checking out a working copy on another machine. It checks out at revision 0, but without the directory structure. I'm guessing that simply adding those folders isn't enough.

Can someone please explain what I would need to do so that when I check out a working copy I get the whole directory structure?

FOLLOW UP QUESTION Thanks to everyone who chimed in. I created two test repositories to play with, and now wish to delete them. Is it really just as simple as removing the folders from the server? I googled "svnadmin remove repo" and I get info on using the svn remove command, but that's to remove a file from a repository. I want to completely remove a repository.

like image 641
Bad Programmer Avatar asked Nov 29 '11 18:11

Bad Programmer

1 Answers

One missing step in your story is the point when you commit your tags/trunk/branches directories, did you do the commit ?


svn co http://my_repo/ .

mkdir tags
mkdir trunk
mkdir branches

svn add tags
svn add trunk
svn add branches

svn ci . -m "definitely add those directories to the repository"
like image 137
Cédric Julien Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 13:10

Cédric Julien