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Adding custom icons to font-awesome



It seems that font-awesome was supporting custom icons with detailed instructions how to create and submit your own icon but that information is no longer available on their website. Does this mean that this is not supported any longer and that you can only request an icon creation that will be done by font-awesome team?

like image 868
Edin Deljkić Avatar asked Jul 05 '13 13:07

Edin Deljkić

People also ask

Can you edit Font Awesome icons?

Font Awesome icons can be customized even further using your own CSS. We've even added CSS Custom Properties to our style toolkit options.

2 Answers

No, font-awesome doesn't support direct submissions any longer.

They used to provide a grid template for submissions, but as you point out it has been removed and suggestions/support for new icons are logged here on Github (I have supported a couple of requests myself and receive updates when others log their support too).

It is possible to subset font-awesome icons using icnfnt.com (which is the officially supported solution).

You can also subset and combine font-awesome with other fonts using fontello.com, essentially combining icons into one font-set that you can use in your projects.

like image 137
nickhar Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10


Try https://icomoon.io/ - you can add FontAwesome (along with other librariest out there, similar to icnfnt.com) and then add your own custome SVGs and export them all as a single font.

like image 34
Matija Abicic Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10

Matija Abicic