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Adding auto increment identity to existing table in oracle which is not empty

I was wondering how can I add an identity column to existing oracle table? I am using oracle 11g. Suppose I have a table named DEGREE and I am going to add an identity column to that.

FYI table is not empty.

like image 729
Ali Avatar asked Apr 16 '14 07:04


People also ask

How do I add an Identity Column to an existing table in Oracle?

Use ALTER TABLE to add an IDENTITY column to an existing table. Note: To add an IDENTITY column to a table, the table must be at a top level. You cannot add an IDENTITY column as the column of a deeply embedded structured datatype.

How do I create an existing column auto increment in Oracle?

You can double click the name of the column or click on the 'Properties' button. Column Properties dialog box appears. Select the General Tab (Default Selection for the first time). Then select both the 'Auto Increment' and 'Identity Column' check boxes.

How do I add an Identity Column to an existing table?

You cannot alter a column to be an IDENTITY column. What you'll need to do is create a new column which is defined as an IDENTITY from the get-go, then drop the old column, and rename the new one to the old name.

Can we implement Auto_increment key in Oracle?

When you define a column in MySQL, you can specify a parameter called AUTO_INCREMENT. Then, whenever a new value is inserted into this table, the value put into this column is 1 higher than the last value. But, Oracle does not have an AUTO_INCREMENT feature.

2 Answers

From Oracle 12c you would use an identity column.

For example, say your table is called demo and has 3 columns and 100 rows:

create table demo (col1, col2, col3)
select dbms_random.value(1,10), dbms_random.value(1,10), dbms_random.value(1,10)
from   dual connect by rownum <= 100;

You could add an identity column using:

alter table demo add demo_id integer generated by default on null as identity;

update demo set demo_id = rownum;

Then reset the internal sequence to match the data and prevent manual inserts:

alter table demo modify demo_id generated always as identity start with limit value;

and define it as the primary key:

alter table demo add constraint demo_pk primary key (demo_id);

This leaves the new column at the end of the column list, which shouldn’t normally matter (except for tables with a large number of columns and row chaining issues), but it looks odd when you describe the table. However, we can at least tidy up the dictionary order using the invisible/visible hack:

SQL> desc demo
 Name                             Null?    Type
 -------------------------------- -------- ----------------------
 COL1                                      NUMBER
 COL2                                      NUMBER
 COL3                                      NUMBER
 DEMO_ID                          NOT NULL NUMBER(38)

    for r in (
        select column_name from user_tab_columns c
        where  c.table_name = 'DEMO'
        and    c.column_name <> 'DEMO_ID'
        order by c.column_id
        execute immediate 'alter table demo modify '||r.column_name||' invisible';
        execute immediate 'alter table demo modify '||r.column_name||' visible';
    end loop;

SQL> desc demo
 Name                             Null?    Type
 -------------------------------- -------- ----------------------
 DEMO_ID                          NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
 COL1                                      NUMBER
 COL2                                      NUMBER
 COL3                                      NUMBER

One thing you can't do (as of Oracle 18.0) is alter an existing column to make it into an identity column, so you have to either go through a process like the one above but copying the existing values and finally dropping the old column, or else define a new table explicitly with the identity column in place and copy the data across in a separate step. Otherwise you'll get:

-- DEMO_ID column exists but is currently not an identity column:
alter table demo modify demo_id generated by default on null as identity start with limit value;

-- Fails with:
ORA-30673: column to be modified is not an identity column 
like image 198
William Robertson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 09:09

William Robertson

You can not do it in one step. Instead,

  • Alter the table and add the column (without primary key constraint)

  • Fill the new column with data which will fulfill the primary key constraint (unique/not null), e.g. like

  • Alter the table and add the constraint to the column


After that is done, you can set up a SEQUENCE and a BEFORE INSERT trigger to automatically set the id value for new records.

like image 30
Andreas Fester Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09

Andreas Fester