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Adding Attributes to C# Property set parameter

Right now, without using properties, I've got this:

public void SetNumber([Array(new int[]{8})] Byte[] number)

As you can see, I am adding the ArrayAttribute attribute to the parameter.

What I want to do is the same but on a property setter. This doesn't work:

[Array(new int[]{8})]
public Byte[] SetNumber
    return null;

Is there any way of attaching the attribute to the set_SetNumber value method parameter?

Also, a related question. The two methods generated (the get/set) don't have the custom attribute. Can anyone explain to me why is that?

like image 698
tlg Avatar asked Nov 03 '10 18:11


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1 Answers

You need to use the param attribute target on the set:

public Byte[] SetNumber {
  [param: Array(new int[] { 8 })]
  set {
  get {
    return null;

As for the second question, the custom attribute is set on the property itself, not on the property accessor methods.

Also, if your ArrayAttribute only ever applies to parameters, it could be defined like this:

public class ArrayAttribute : Attribute {
  // ...
like image 166
Jordão Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10
