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adding $ANDROID_HOME/tools to $Path in windows

I'm trying to run this code:

cd google-play-services_lib
android update project -p .
ant debug

from this tutorial. I installed ant using winant, but regarding Android, I can not add this to path.

I tried adding the variable like this screen shot, but it did not help me. How can I add this?

enter image description here

I'm not sure what is the relation between android command and the android_home/tools folder. I can not find any android.exe file in the android_home/tools folder. Maybe I should try another solution to run this.

EDIT When I change the variable base on Tom's reply now the result is: enter image description here

like image 919
Husein Behboudi Rad Avatar asked Feb 16 '23 14:02

Husein Behboudi Rad

1 Answers

$ANDROID_HOME is an environment variable that is the directory you have your Android SDK installed in - it's not any specific directory. You don't have to create an environment variable for it (although it does make scripting things easier later on).

So in your example, just add the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools to your PATH.

UPDATE : Hmmm, you don't have the XCOPY command in your path? That is bizarre. Typically xcopy.exe is found in C:\Windows\System32. Check your PATH statement and see if that directory is contained within.

like image 75
Tom Opgenorth Avatar answered Feb 27 '23 12:02

Tom Opgenorth