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Adding an Skobbler Map to my empty App

I am trying to set up a new Project with Skobbler. I've integrated the SKMaps.jar and put it into the buildpath. I am using AndroidStudio with gradl.

Now the problem is: The moment when I call

SKMaps.getInstance().initializeSKMaps(this, initMapSettings, getString(R.string.skobbler_api_key));

it throws an exception

android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #44: Error inflating class com.skobbler.ngx.map.SKMapViewHolder


Couldn't load ngnative from loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/de.aeins.theswap.swap-1.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app-lib/de.aeins.theswap.swap-1, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]]]: findLibrary returned null

I've got the lib folder in my project root and inside the SKMaps.jar and the 3 libngnative.so files in the seperate folders.

Any idea what's going wrong?

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Fabio Schmitz Avatar asked Jun 03 '14 07:06

Fabio Schmitz

2 Answers

I was just having the same issue.

A couple of thoughts (this is how I got it to work)

1) make sure you add the SKMaps.jar file in properties->Java Build Path->Libraries, and that it is selected in Order and Export

2) I realized in the demo app that a bunch of work was being done in the SplashActivity - specifically initializing the library. I assume that this must be done before the layout is inflated in an Activity. I ended up putting a SplashActivity in my app, initializing the library there before going to the Activity that displays the map, and it now works.

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Britton Peddie Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 08:10

Britton Peddie

I had the same problem. Fixed it by:

  1. Putting lib/armeabi/libngnative.so, lib/armeabi-v7a/libngnative.so and lib/x86/libngnative.so in a zip file.
  2. Rename zipfile to libngnative.jar
  3. Move jarfile to app/libs
  4. Add jarfile as file dependency
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Erik Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10
