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Adding an item to drop down list with Jquery at a certain index

Is this possible?

I use append like this


But this appends it at the end....

like image 866
sarsnake Avatar asked Nov 15 '11 19:11


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2 Answers

if you want to add on like index 2 you can do this:

$(".dll option").eq(2).before($("<option></option>").val("").text("Select"));

this means, select index 2, and put the new option before that one.

like image 178
Niels Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09


Find the option at .eq(n) to specify the index you want the new option at. Then use .before() to insert the object. (See also .insertBefore(), .insertAfter(), or .after())

$(".ddl option").eq(n).before($("<option></option>").val("").text("Select")); 
like image 45
gilly3 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
