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Adding a tab index to an AngularJS accordion?

Hi I have an AngularJS accordion that I've created with the code below. I would like to add a tab index to the accordion such that someone can tab through all the li tags of the accordion.

            <accordion close-others="showOnlyOne">
                <accordion-group heading="{{group.name}}" ng-repeat="group in reportFiltered"  is-open="group.isThisOpen">
                    <ul class="nav">
                        <li ng-repeat="myObj in group.myObj">
                            <a ng-click="function(myObj.query)">{{myObj.name}}</a>

I have tried doing things such:


but that doesn't seem to work.

Furthermore, I also need a way to access the tabs contents/value once they are currently tabbed on...but thats my next issue.


I got the tabbing to work with {{$index}} but now I need to do something with the current li tag that is being tabbed over..

like image 678
es3735746 Avatar asked Jun 30 '14 18:06


1 Answers



Or even better


You also can access $index from ngRepeat

like image 76
Thomas Roch Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 08:10

Thomas Roch