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Adding a specific tick to a D3.js axis



I've created an axis with d3.svg.axis and a time scale and am happy with the ticks produced by the tick generator. However, I would like to ensure that a particular value is always marked. So for example the if the generator produces the following dates

2000-1-1, 2001-1-1, 2002-1-1, 2003-1-1

I might want to make the axis show

2000-1-1, 2000-7-21, 2001-1-1, 2002-1-1, 2003-1-1

How do i get an array of the ticks made by the tick generator so that I can add my value and pass it into the tickValues function?

I could create a second axis, style it to remove the domain path and pass any additional dates to that ones tickValues function but that seems a bit awkward.

Or am I going about this in the wrong way?


like image 898
Tom P Avatar asked Jun 05 '14 10:06

Tom P

1 Answers

Once you've set up your scale & axis, you can call ticks() with no parameters to get the values that it has generated:

ticks = myScale.ticks();

And then you can push/splice/whatever:


And then pass them back into tickValues


Do all this before you .call this axis to add it to the SVG, of course.

like image 127
explunit Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 00:11
