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Adding a single backslash (\) to a string in R




I am working on knitr right now, One of the string that I was trying to print has the % symbol. I read up on the TeX manual that to a print the % symbol. TeX should have the string as \% to display the code.

Using the command gsub I tried to do the following:

try = "0% success"
try2 = gsub("%","\%",try,fixed = TRUE)

gsub throws an invalid escape character error

If I do this:

try = "0% success
try2 = gsub("%","\\\\%",try,fixed = TRUE)

knitr will still not be able to print the string

Please suggest me with a way that I can solve my problem


I want the string in try to displayed as it is in my output PDF I am using this in knitr as \textit{\Sexpr{try}} When the tex file gets created, it believes that the text after percentage is a comment. I am creating an rnw file first and then creating the tex file, after which using texi2pdf to get the pdf file

----EDIT 2 -------------

I am not very good with either knitr or LaTeX

like image 514
Mayank Bansal Avatar asked Dec 27 '13 12:12

Mayank Bansal

People also ask

How do I write a backslash (\) in a string?

If you want to include a backslash character itself, you need two backslashes or use the @ verbatim string: var s = "\\Tasks"; // or var s = @"\Tasks"; Read the MSDN documentation/C# Specification which discusses the characters that are escaped using the backslash character and the use of the verbatim string literal.

Why does r use backslash?

In R (and elsewhere), the backslash is the “escape” symbol, which is followed by another symbol to indicate a special character. For example, "\t" represents a “tab” and "\n" is the symbol for a new line (hard return).

What is double backslash in R?

In R, a single backslash is an escape character, and using it for directory paths will always produce an error. To specify directory paths correctly in R, you have two options: Use two backslashes instead of a single one: > setwd("C:\\R files") Use a forward slash: > setwd("C:/R files")

What does backslash mean in string?

The backslash is used to escape special (unprintable) characters in string literals.

2 Answers

why are you jumping fomr one "\" to 4 "\"?

> try2 = gsub("%","\\%",try,fixed = TRUE)
> try2
[1] "0\\% success"

This should be read as "\\", which (as far as i know) the regular expression will understand as an "\".

I hope i understood you right- and this is a possible sulution for you!

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LPH Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 04:10


You need two backslashes to escape:

try = "0\\% success"

Some text in LaTex \Sexpr{try}. 

After knitting the document one obtains the following LaTeX code:


\definecolor{shadecolor}{rgb}{0.969, 0.969, 0.969}\color{fgcolor}\begin{kframe}
\hlstd{try} \hlkwb{=} \hlstr{"0\textbackslash{}\textbackslash{}% success"}

Some text 0\% success


This, of course, assuming echo=TRUE.

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Maxim.K Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 04:10
