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Adding a record to the store in specific place



Is there a way to add a record to the store after the specific record not using addSorted?

like image 405
lvil Avatar asked Mar 02 '11 14:03


2 Answers

More specific way to add new element(s) in store at first place like...

Ext.data.Store.insert(0, [{id: 0, name: '(un-assigned)'}]);
like image 80
Amit Contractor Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 11:11

Amit Contractor

Check Ext.data.Store.insert(index) which allows you to insert a record at a specified index. Only thing you need is the index of the record you want to insert it after, thats what you have Ext.data.Store.find() for


like image 27
ChrisR Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 11:11
