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Adding a new element to select box after the first option element using JQuery



I have a combobox with the following options

<select id="history">

I'm trying to add a new option after the first option. What is the best most effective way to accomplish this I tried

<script type="text/javascript">
    $("<option>asdsad</option>").insertBefore('#history option:first-child');
//    $('option[value="sadsaddsad"]', this).after('option:first');

but none of these are working as I want.

like image 923
Elitmiar Avatar asked Aug 28 '12 07:08


1 Answers

You can do it like this:

$("#history option:first").after("<option>sdsadas</option>");

This gets the first <option> tag and then inserts a new option after it.

jQuery supports two ways of inserting in a position. The above version is target.after(content) and this other way is content.insertAfter(target):

$("<option>sdsadas</option>").insertAfter("#history option:first");

Note: One uses .after() and the other uses .insertAfter().

like image 145
jfriend00 Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 07:11
