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Add webRTC in webview in iOS?

I have created a chat but with webView. The problem is the chat has video and voice that is not supported with iOS because it does not support webRTC.

The main question is how can I easily add RTC inside webView in Swift to support iOS video and voice?

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Steven Avatar asked Sep 22 '16 12:09


People also ask

Does iOS WebView support WebRTC?

While Apple added support for WebRTC to mobile Safari in iOS 11, they did not extend support to either of the WebView components. This Apple Developer forum thread confirms the problem.

Can I use WebView in iOS?

WebView can be defined as an object which can display the interactive web content and load HTML strings within the iOS application for an in-app browser. It is an instance of the WKWebView class, which inherits the UIView class.

Does iOS 13 support WebRTC?

Last year, iOS 13 ushered in the arrival of WebRTC to the SFSafariViewController so all of a sudden Twitter's in-app browser was able to run these types of apps.

Does iOS Safari support WebRTC?

WebRTC iOS Safari supportiOS Safari has been supporting WebRTC since Safari 11.

1 Answers

From iOS 14.3 (Beta)

Apple is adding full support to WebRTC in WKWebView ! 🎉

Learn more here: https://webkit.org/blog/11353/mediarecorder-api/

From iOS11+

Apple has added support for WebRTC to Safari.
If you want to use WKWebView - there is only a partial support. Checkout this answer:

WebRTC Support in iOS 11 - Explained

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zaxy78 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09
