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add up all value's of a property in an array Vuejs

I am working on a small app and I have a array with objects and within the objects 2 property's, one called 'label' and one 'value'. What I would like is to add up all values of the property 'value', So that I have one total value.


data() {

totalRequest: 0,

   donutData: [
        { label: 'Openstaande verzoeken', value: 20 },
        { label: 'Geaccepteerde verzoeken', value: 25 },
        { label: 'Afgewezen verzoeken', value: 10 }


created() {
        this.totalRequest = //here goes the function to add up all value's of the property 'value' (total value should be 55)


total value {{ totalRequest }}

So in this example I have 3 objects with a total value of 55 (all 3 property 'value'). How can I achieve this? Thanks in advance.

Answer by dashton, reproduced for vue

created() {
        this.totalRequest = this.donutData.reduce((acc, item) => acc + item.value, 0);
like image 598
Giesburts Avatar asked Nov 27 '22 20:11


2 Answers

This will work:

var sum = donutData.reduce((acc, item) => acc + item.value, 0);
like image 154
dashton Avatar answered Nov 30 '22 08:11


This has nothing to do with vue, seems like a javascript question, there's tons of way of doing this, the simpler would be just do a forEach:


for(i in donutData) { this.totalRequest += donutData[i].value; }

BUT as you asked how to show {{ totalRequest }} you might want to look at computed properties:


Which is a way vue has to dynamically set data in views, so you could take dashton's answer and do:


total value {{ totalRequest }}


data() {
   donutData: [
        { label: 'Openstaande verzoeken', value: 20 },
        { label: 'Geaccepteerde verzoeken', value: 25 },
        { label: 'Afgewezen verzoeken', value: 10 }

computed: {
    totalRequest() {
      return this.donutData.reduce((acc, item) => acc + item.value, 0);
like image 27
Gerardo Rosciano Avatar answered Nov 30 '22 08:11

Gerardo Rosciano