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Add the least amount of characters to make a palindrome

The question:

Given any string, add the least amount of characters possible to make it a palindrome in linear time.

I'm only able to come up with a O(N2) solution.

Can someone help me with an O(N) solution?

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Waley Chen Avatar asked Sep 11 '13 03:09

Waley Chen

People also ask

How many characters need to be added to make it a shortest palindrome?

Note: You can insert any number of lowercase characters anywhere in the string. For example, In “a”, the number of insertions required is 0 as string is already in palindrome. In “ab”, the number of insertions required is 1 to make it a palindromic string.

How do you create a palindrome?

All you have to do is write out the word, phrase, or sentence, follow it by “sides reversed is” and then repeat the word, phrase, sentence in reverse order. And lo, you have a fully functioning palindrome. As an example consider this palindrome: “Power” sides reversed is “rewop.”

Is one character string a palindrome?

We can think of a palindrome as just any sequence of letters that reads the same forward and backward, such as xyzyzyx. We call a sequence of letters a string. So we can say that any string containing just one letter is by default a palindrome.

2 Answers

  1. Revert the string
  2. Use a modified Knuth-Morris-Pratt to find the latest match (simplest modification would be to just append the original string to the reverted string and ignore matches after len(string).
  3. Append the unmatched rest of the reverted string to the original.

1 and 3 are obviously linear and 2 is linear beacause Knuth-Morris-Pratt is.

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Chronial Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 12:12


If only appending is allowed

A Scala solution:

def isPalindrome(s: String) = s.view.reverse == s.view

def makePalindrome(s: String) = 
  s + s.take((0 to s.length).find(i => isPalindrome(s.substring(i))).get).reverse

If you're allowed to insert characters anywhere

Every palindrome can be viewed as a set of nested letter pairs.

a  n  n  a         b  o  b
|  |  |  |         |  *  |
|   --   |         |     |
---------           -----

If the palindrome length n is even, we'll have n/2 pairs. If it is odd, we'll have n/2 full pairs and one single letter in the middle (let's call it a degenerated pair).

Let's represent them by pairs of string indexes - the left index counted from the left end of the string, and the right index counted from the right end of the string, both ends starting with index 0.

Now let's write pairs starting from the outer to the inner. So in our example:

anna: (0, 0) (1, 1)
bob: (0, 0) (1, 1)

In order to make any string a palindrome, we will go from both ends of the string one character at a time, and with every step, we'll eventually add a character to produce a correct pair of identical characters.

Example: Assume the input word is "blob"

  1. Pair (0, 0) is (b, b) ok, nothing to do, this pair is fine. Let's increase the counter.
  2. Pair (1, 1) is (l, o). Doesn't match. So let's add "o" at position 1 from the left. Now our word became "bolob".
  3. Pair (2, 2). We don't need to look even at the characters, because we're pointing at the same index in the string. Done.

Wait a moment, but we have a problem here: in point 2. we arbitrarily chose to add a character on the left. But we could as well add a character "l" on the right. That would produce "blolb", also a valid palindrome. So does it matter? Unfortunately it does because the choice in earlier steps may affect how many pairs we'll have to fix and therefore how many characters we'll have to add in the future steps.

Easy algorithm: search all the possiblities. That would give us a O(2^n) algorithm. Better algorithm: use Dynamic Programming approach and prune the search space.

In order to keep things simpler, now we decouple inserting of new characters from just finding the right sequence of nested pairs (outer to inner) and fixing their alignment later. So for the word "blob" we have the following possibilities, both ending with a degenerated pair:

(0, 0) (1, 2)
(0, 0) (2, 1)

The more such pairs we find, the less characters we will have to add to fix the original string. Every full pair found gives us two characters we can reuse. Every degenerated pair gives us one character to reuse.

The main loop of the algorithm will iteratively evaluate pair sequences in such a way, that in step 1 all valid pair sequences of length 1 are found. The next step will evaluate sequences of length 2, the third sequences of length 3 etc. When at some step we find no possibilities, this means the previous step contains the solution with the highest number of pairs.

After each step, we will remove the pareto-suboptimal sequences. A sequence is suboptimal compared to another sequence of the same length, if its last pair is dominated by the last pair of the other sequence. E.g. sequence (0, 0)(1, 3) is worse than (0, 0)(1, 2). The latter gives us more room to find nested pairs and we're guaranteed to find at least all the pairs that we'd find for the former. However sequence (0, 0)(1, 2) is neither worse nor better than (0, 0)(2, 1). The one minor detail we have to beware of is that a sequence ending with a degenerated pair is always worse than a sequence ending with a full pair.

After bringing it all together:

def makePalindrome(str: String): String = {

  /** Finds the pareto-minimum subset of a set of points (here pair of indices).
    * Could be done in linear time, without sorting, but O(n log n) is not that bad ;) */
  def paretoMin(points: Iterable[(Int, Int)]): List[(Int, Int)] = {
    val sorted = points.toSeq.sortBy(identity)
    (List.empty[(Int, Int)] /: sorted) { (result, e) =>
      if (result.isEmpty || e._2 <= result.head._2)
        e :: result

  /** Find all pairs directly nested within a given pair.
    * For performance reasons tries to not include suboptimal pairs (pairs nested in any of the pairs also in the result)
    * although it wouldn't break anything as prune takes care of this. */
  def pairs(left: Int, right: Int): Iterable[(Int, Int)] = {
    val builder = List.newBuilder[(Int, Int)]
    var rightMax = str.length
    for (i <- left until (str.length - right)) {
      rightMax = math.min(str.length - left, rightMax)
      val subPairs =
        for (j <- right until rightMax if str(i) == str(str.length - j - 1)) yield (i, j)

      subPairs.headOption match {
        case Some((a, b)) => rightMax = b; builder += ((a, b))
        case None =>


  /** Builds sequences of size n+1 from sequence of size n */
  def extend(path: List[(Int, Int)]): Iterable[List[(Int, Int)]] =
    for (p <- pairs(path.head._1 + 1, path.head._2 + 1)) yield p :: path

  /** Whether full or degenerated. Full-pairs save us 2 characters, degenerated save us only 1. */
  def isFullPair(pair: (Int, Int)) =
    pair._1 + pair._2 < str.length - 1

  /** Removes pareto-suboptimal sequences */
  def prune(sequences: List[List[(Int, Int)]]): List[List[(Int, Int)]] = {
    val allowedHeads = paretoMin(sequences.map(_.head)).toSet
    val containsFullPair = allowedHeads.exists(isFullPair)
    sequences.filter(s => allowedHeads.contains(s.head) && (isFullPair(s.head) || !containsFullPair))

  /** Dynamic-Programming step */
  def search(sequences: List[List[(Int, Int)]]): List[List[(Int, Int)]] = {
    val nextStage = prune(sequences.flatMap(extend))
    nextStage match {
      case List() => sequences
      case x => search(nextStage)

  /** Converts a sequence of nested pairs to a palindrome */
  def sequenceToString(sequence: List[(Int, Int)]): String = {
    val lStr = str
    val rStr = str.reverse

    val half =
      (for (List(start, end) <- sequence.reverse.sliding(2)) yield
        lStr.substring(start._1 + 1, end._1) + rStr.substring(start._2 + 1, end._2) + lStr(end._1)).mkString

    if (isFullPair(sequence.head))
      half + half.reverse
      half + half.reverse.substring(1)

  sequenceToString(search(List(List((-1, -1)))).head)

Note: The code does not list all the palindromes, but gives only one example, and it is guaranteed it has the minimum length. There usually are more palindromes possible with the same minimum length (O(2^n) worst case, so you probably don't want to enumerate them all).

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Piotr Kołaczkowski Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 12:12

Piotr Kołaczkowski