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Add statistical information to the bottom of a graph

I am try to add statistical information (min, max, quartile values, mean, median etc) regarding a given distribution to the bottom a graph (histogram, time series plot) in R. I know the stats can be generated using the summary() function. However, does any know how to place such information at the bottom of a graph?

Its seems like it should be easy to do but I just can't find anything online regarding how to do it. Is it even possible using R?

Any help would be gratefully appreciated!

like image 670
MNaughton Avatar asked Aug 23 '11 08:08


1 Answers

Here is one way. For some dummy data

dat <- rnorm(100, mean = 3, sd = 3)

compute the summary

sdat <- summary(dat)

We can then paste together the names of the summary statistics and their values using paste(), and collapse this to a single string

summStr <- paste(names(sdat), format(sdat, digits = 2), collapse = "; ")

Note that I format the values of the statistics to have just two significant digits using format(). This can be added to the plot say as a subtitle use the title() function

op <- par(mar = c(7,4,4,2) + 0.1)
title(sub = summStr, line = 5.5)

I push the subtitle down the plot a little bit via argument line.

text added to a plot as a subtitle

like image 118
Gavin Simpson Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09

Gavin Simpson