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Add ruby class methods or instance methods dynamically

I am quite new to Ruby, so still learning. I was researching quite a bit about how to add methods dynamically, and I was successful to create instance methods, but not successful when creating class methods.

This is how I generated instance methods:

  class B
    def before_method
      puts "before method"

    def self.run(method)
        send :define_method, method do
          puts "method #{method}"

  class A < B
    run :m
    run :n

Any idea about the best ways to create static methods?

My final task is to look for the best way to create "before" and "after" tasks for class methods.

like image 758
purbon Avatar asked Sep 12 '11 18:09


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In Ruby, a method provides functionality to an Object. A class method provides functionality to a class itself, while an instance method provides functionality to one instance of a class. We cannot call an instance method on the class itself, and we cannot directly call a class method on an instance.

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2 Answers

To create instance methods dynamically, try

class Foo
  LIST = %w(a b c)

  LIST.each do |x|
    define_method(x) do |arg|
      return arg+5

Now any instance of Foo would have the method "a", "b", "c". Try


To define class methods dynamically, try

class Foo
  LIST = %w(a b c)

  class << self
    LIST.each do |x|
      define_method(x) do |arg|
        return arg+5

Then try

like image 146
Zack Xu Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10

Zack Xu

Instance methods of an objects singleton class are singleton methods of the object itself. So if you do

class B
  def self.run(method)
    singleton_class = class << self; self; end
    singleton_class.send(:define_method, method) do
        puts "Method #{method}"

you can now call

B.run :foo
=> Method foo

(Edit: added B.run :foo as per Lars Haugseth's comment)

like image 39
Confusion Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10
