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add on.exit expr to parent call?



Is it possible to add an on.exit expr to the parent call? If so, how?

For example, say that parentOnExit(expr) is a function implementing this. Then for the following code:

f <- function() {

I want to see "A" printed, then "B".

Background: What brought this to mind was the following... we have a collection of functions, some of which call others, which require a resource that should be shared from the topmost call down and which also should be closed upon exiting the topmost function. Eg, a connection to a remote server which is expensive to open. One pattern for this is:

foo <- function(r=NULL) {
  if (is.null(r)) {  # If we weren't passed open connection, open one
    r <- openR()
  bar(r=r)  # Pass the open connection down

I was hoping to abstract those three lines down to:

r <- openIfNull(r)  # Magically call on.exit(close(r)) in scope of caller

Now that I think about it though, perhaps it's worth some repeated code to avoid anything too magical. But still I'm curious about the answer to my original question. Thank you!

like image 399
David F Avatar asked Dec 17 '11 16:12

David F

1 Answers

I have seen in this recent mail discussion (https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2013-November/067874.html) that you can use do.call for this:

f <- function() { do.call("on.exit", list(quote(cat('ONEXIT!\n'))), envir = parent.frame()); 42 }
g <- function() { x <- f(); cat('Not yet!\n'); x }
#Not yet!
#[1] 42

Using this feature and an additional ugly trick to pass the R connection object to the caller environment, it seems to solve the problem:

openR <- function(id = "connection1") {
  message('openR():', id)

closeR <- function(r) {
  message('closeR():', r[[1]]) 

openRIfNull <- function(r) {
  if (length(r)) return(r)
  # create the connection
  r <- openR("openRIfNull")
  # save it in the parent call environment
  parent_env <- parent.frame()
  assign("..openRIfNull_r_connection..", r, envir = parent_env)
  do.call("on.exit", list(quote(closeR(..openRIfNull_r_connection..))), envir = parent_env)

foo <- function(r = NULL) {
  message('entered foo()')
  r <- openRIfNull(r)
  bar(r = r)  # Pass the open connection down
  message('exited foo()')

bar <- function(r) {

example use:

# entered foo()
# openR():openRIfNull
# bar()
# exited foo()
# closeR():openRIfNull

# entered foo()
# openR():before
# bar()
# exited foo()
like image 103
Karl Forner Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09

Karl Forner