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Add newline or carriage return directly in a column to separator values in Postgres

I have the following query:

concat_ws(', ',
            case when isBlue then 'Blue' end,
            case when isMale then 'Male' end,
            case when isAdult then 'Adult' end) as Person1,
concat_ws(', ',
            case when isBrown then 'Brown' end,
            case when isFemale then 'Female' end,
            case when isAdult then 'Adult' end) as Person2          
from misc_table  
where id <> NULL 
order by id

Which would output the following

| id | Person1             | Person2
| 1  | Blue, Male, Adult   | Brown, Female, Adult
| 2  | Blue, Male, Adult   | Brown, Female, Adult  

However, I would rather have it display as:

| id | Person1             | Person2
| 1  | Blue,               | Brown,
|    | Male,               | Female,
|    | Adult               | Adult 
| 2  | Blue,               | Brown,
|    | Male,               | Female,
|    | Adult               | Adult 

Could not seem to find a simple way to achieve this. Any suggestions are appreciated!

like image 955
SiriusBits Avatar asked Dec 11 '22 01:12


2 Answers

You can use some C-style escapes in string literals if you use E'' strings, from the fine manual: String Constants with C-style Escapes

PostgreSQL also accepts "escape" string constants, which are an extension to the SQL standard. An escape string constant is specified by writing the letter E (upper or lower case) just before the opening single quote, e.g., E'foo'. (When continuing an escape string constant across lines, write E only before the first opening quote.) Within an escape string, a backslash character (\) begins a C-like backslash escape sequence, in which the combination of backslash and following character(s) represent a special byte value, as shown in Table 4-1.

So you could say:

concat_ws(E',\n', ...
-- -------^^^^^^

That will give you some + signs in the psql output though:

| id | Person1             | Person2
| 1  | Blue,              +| Brown,          +
|    | Male,              +| Female,         +
|    | Adult               | Adult 

but that's just psql telling you that there is a multi-line column value.

BTW, id <> null doesn't do what you might think it does, you almost certainly want to say id is not null to get sensible results.

like image 158
mu is too short Avatar answered Apr 22 '23 17:04

mu is too short

You can force a newline character by calling chr:

concat_ws(',' || CHR(10), -- HERE
            case when isBlue then 'Blue' end,
            case when isMale then 'Male' end,
            case when isAdult then 'Adult' end) as Person1,
concat_ws(',' || CHR(10), -- And HERE
            case when isBrown then 'Brown' end,
            case when isFemale then 'Female' end,
            case when isAdult then 'Adult' end) as Person2          
from misc_table  
where id IS NOT NULL -- BTW, note that nulls should be evaluated with the IS operator
order by id
like image 28
Mureinik Avatar answered Apr 22 '23 18:04
